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Surat Al-Masadd (Arabic: سورة المسد ) or Surat Al-Lahab (Arabic: سورة اﻟﻠﻬﺐ ) (The Palm Fibre or The Flame) is the 111th Sura of the Qur'an with 5 ayat. It is a Makkan surah.

The sura condemns Abu Lahab and his wife as examples of worldly and wealth driven sinners. Although they have much on earth, it will not avail them in the Hereafter. The "firewood" they have carried in this life (symbols of their clutching onto material possessions and business) will, in the Hellfire proves to be the kindling of their damnation. This is to say, in their materialism they have been the architects of their own unfortunate destiny.

The chapter that came in the year 610-14.[citation needed]

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