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AirSnort (Linux)
Developer: Blake Hegerle and Jeremy Bruestle
Latest release: 0.2.7c / December 25, 2004
OS: Cross-platform
Use: WEP encryption key recovery
License: GPL

AirSnort is a Linux utility (using GTK+) for decrypting WEP encryption on an 802.11b network. A Windows port also exists.

Scott Fluhrer, Itsik Mantin and Adi Shamir (who was one of the inventors of the RSA encryption algorithm) released a paper entitled Weaknesses in the Key Scheduling Algorithm of RC4. Based on the security flaws described therein, Blake Hegerle and Jeremy Bruestle wrote a tool that must only gather roughly five to ten million encrypted packets from a wireless access point before it can attempt to recover the wireless key. Depending on the environment, this can take as little as a few minutes or more commonly a few hours and possibly a few days.

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