Ahmed Hulusi

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Seyed Ahmed Hulusi (born 1945 in Istanbul, Turkey - ) is currently the most comprehensive author of Islamic philosophy in Turkey. He has written more than thirty books since 1965. All of his works are freely available without copyright restrictions. Over a million copies of his books have been sold, and more than a third of them have been translated into several other languages. He is a retired journalist and has lived in the United States since 1999.


[edit] Philosophy

Hulusi focuses on the underlying unity of all and the whole oneness of entire being which he refers to as Allah. His teachings can be considered as deep spiritual understanding of Islam in a modern context. Based on Mohammed's teachings and such ancient Sufi authors as Abd-al-karim Jili, Abdul Qadir Jelani, Muhyiddini Arabi, Imami Ghazali, and İbrahim Hakkı Erzurumi, he refuses the idea of a god to worship, saying that there is no separate god out there, there is only the one alone, who is referred to as Allah in the Qur'an. He stresses understanding the spirit of the Qur'an and Sunnah rather than taking them literally.

Hulusi also focuses on the human rights expressed in the Koran and on the importance of beneficience in one's behaviour. He opposes rote memorization, unreasoned use of fatwa, allegedly Islamic governments based on traditional parochial concepts, and asserts that sharia, as it is now constituted, has developed beyond and even in opposition to true Islam. Hulusi considers Islam not as an additional religion to earlier ones but as the comprehensive explanation of universal law.

Hulusi opposes using religion for political purposes and objecting to its political agenda. He has said, "The greatest cruelty for humanity is when a personal explanation about a subject, which is not in a hadith or the Qur'an, is attempted to be applied as a religious rule!" In his books, he asserts that there is a system in life that everyone is subject to, therefore everyone should understand the universal laws of that system and prepare himself for the afterlife dimension, because there is no death for any human being but the continuation of life with a spiritual body after detachment from the physical body. His main teaching is about learning how to activate the universal powers within humans, which are manifestations of powers of Allah who originates everything from within. He also stresses on the fact that original Islam should be understood rather than peoples' Muslimism. In his booklet Up to Date Understanding of Islam, he connects Mohammed's teachings with modern science, especially quantum physics, neuroscience and holographic reality and brain.

[edit] Criticism

His writings are not accepted by conservative or traditional Islamic theologians. Several books by a few writers have set out to refute his ideas and to assert that his interpretation of Islam is false.

[edit] Publications

[edit] Selected Books

  • Dini Yanlış Algılamak (Religious Misunderstandings), (English available)
  • İslâm (Up to Date Understanding of Islam), (English available)
  • Allah (Mohammed's Allah: Allah as Introduced by Mohammed), (English available)
  • Sistemin Seslenişi 1-2 (The Voice of the System 1-2), (English available)
  • Cuma Sohbetleri (Friday Conversations),
  • Tecelliyat (The Revelations), (English available)
  • Evrensel Sırlar (Universal Mysteries), (English available)
  • DOST’tan Dosta (From FRIEND to Friend), (English available)
  • Mesajlar (Messages), (English available)
  • Yaşamın Gerçeği (The Reality Of Life, 2002) (English available)
  • Okyanus Ötesinden 1-2-3 (Beyond the Ocean 1-2-3),
  • Dua ve Zikir (Prayer and Praise),
  • Temel Esaslar (Basic Principles),
  • Muhammed Neyi Okudu (What Did Muhammed Read?),
  • Akıl ve İman (Mind and Faith),
  • Kendini Tanı (Know Yourself),
  • Tek'in Seyri (The Spiritual Progress of the One),
  • İnsan ve Sırları 1-2 (Mysteries of Humans),
  • Gavsiye Açıklaması (Explanation of the Saints),
  • Muhammed Mustafa 1-2 (Muhammed Mustafa 1-2),
  • Ebubekr es Sıddık (The First Caliph Ebubekr es Sıddık),
  • Ruh İnsan Cin (Spirits, Humans, Jinn),
  • Ahmed Hulusi'de Kavramlar (Concepts in Ahmed Hulusi),

[edit] Selected Pamphets

  • Çağdaş Bakışla Din (Up to date Understanding of Religion), (English available)
  • Farkın Farkında mısınız? (Are You Aware of the Difference?), (English available)
  • Ölüm ve Ötesi (Death and Beyond), (English available)
  • Reenkarnasyon (Reincarnation), (English available)
  • Cin ve Büyü Nedir? (What are Demons and Spells?) (English available)

[edit] References

  • Cevizoğlu, M. Hulki (1997) "Chapter 11: Ahmed Hulusi" Ceviz kabuğu Remzi Kitabevi, Cağaloğlu, Istanbul, ISBN 9751405270 in Turkish

[edit] External links

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