Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda

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Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda
Gender male
Birth name Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda
Born January 17, 1958
Birth place Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java, Indonesia
Age 49
Occupation journalist, poet
Other names Ahmadun YH, Ahmadun Y. Herfanda, Ahmadun Herfanda, AYH
Notable credit(s)

Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda, Indonesian Poet.
Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda-- born January 17, 1958, in Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java, Indonesia -- is an Indonesian journalist and poet. His name is also written as Ahmadun YH, Ahmadun Y. Herfanda, Ahmadun Herfanda, or AYH (ayeha). Ahmadun's poetry focuses on social and religious themes and is informed by Sufism. He is a reporter and arts editor at the daily newspaper Republika.


[edit] Education

Ahmadun received a Master of Arts in Literary at Yogyakarta National University, in 1986. Than, in 2005 he finished Master of Information Technology at Paramadina Mulia University, Jakarta. Now (2007) he find a fellowship to finish his Ph.D. in art philosophy.

[edit] Career

Image:Ahmadun_Baca_Puisi_(kecil).jpg Ahmadun writes poems, short stories, essays, and a novel that have been published in newspapers, magazines and journals, and read on radio, television, and web sites: Horison, Kompas, Republika, Sinar Harapan, Suara Pembaruan, Basis, Ulumul Qur’an, Bahana (Brunei Darussalam), Indosiar (television, Indonesia), Deutsche Welle (radio, Germany), the journal Indonesia and the Malay World (London), Mastera, Poetry.com (USA), and Cybersastra.com. He often read his poetry (poetry reading) at many art events in Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, United States of America (USA), Singapore, and Indonesia. He also often invited to be speaker at national and international art forums (art events) in Indonesia, Malaysia, USA and Egypt.

Ahmadun is often a juror at many literary or arts contest and festivals.

[edit] Organizations

Ahmadun has been active in many arts organizations:

  • Komunitas Sastra Indonesia (KSI -- The Community of Indonesia Literary, chairman, 1999-2002)
  • Masyarakat Sastra Jakarta (MSJ -- The Jakarta Literary Society, founder and consultant)
  • Himpunan Sarjana Kesastraan Indonesia (HISKI – The Indonesia Literary Academician Association, chairman, 1992-1994)
  • Forum Lingkar Pena (FLP – Pen Circle Forum, consultant, 1997-2005)

Now, his main job is as a journalist and arts editor at the daily newspaper, Republika.

[edit] Contact information

  • Jln. Alamanda Mas II, Vila Pamulang Mas Blok L-3 No. 9, Pamulang, Ciputat 15415, Indonesia.
  • Phone/Fax: 62-21-7444765.
  • Mobile: 081315382096.
  • Email: ahmadun21@yahoo.com.

Other information about him can search from www.google.com, or www.google.co.id, Wikipedia and www.yahoo.com.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Ladang Hijau (The Green Fields, poetry collection, 1980)
  • Sang Matahari (The Sun, poetry colection, 1984)
  • Sajak Penari (The Dancer Verses, poetry collection, 1991)
  • Fragmen-Fragmen Kekalahan (Losing Fragments, poetry collection, Angkasa, Bandung, 1996)
  • Sembahyang Rumputan (The Worshipping Grass, poetry collection, Bentang Budaya,Yogyakarta, 1996)
  • Sebelum Tertawa Dilaran (Before Laugh be Banned, short story collection, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, 1996)
  • Dialektika Sastra, Tasawuf dan Alquran (The Quran, Sufism and Literary Dialectic, book manucript, 1986-2002)
  • Koridor yang Terbelah (The Corridor Cracked, essay collection, book manuscript, 2002)
  • Ciuman Pertama untuk Tuhan (The First Kissing for God, poems collection, bilingual, 2003)
  • Sebutir Kepala dan Seekor Kucing (A Head and A Cat, short story collection, Bening Publishing, Jakarta, 2004)
  • The Worshipping Grass (poetry collection, bilingual, Bening Publishing, Jakarta, 2005)
  • Badai Laut Biru (The Blue Sea Storm, short story collection, Senayan Abadi Publishing, Jakarta, 2004).
  • "Kolusi" ("Power Scandal", short story, 2006).

[edit] Anthologies

  • Many poems and short stories were collected in Tonggak 4 (poetry, Linus Suryadi AG, ed, Gramedia, Jakarta, 1987), Waves of Wonder (poetry, Heather Leah Huddleston, ed., International Library of Poetry, Maryland, USA, Juni, 2002), Secrets Need Words (poetry, Harry Aveling, ed., Ohio University, USA, 2001), The Poets Chant (poetry, Margaret Agusta, ed., The Istiqlal Festival, Jakarta, 1995), Ketika Kata Ketika Warna (poetry, Taufiq Ismail, ed. Yayasan Ananda, Jakarta, 1995), Puisi Indonesia 1997 (poetry, KSI-Angkasa, Bandung, 1997), Paradoks Kilas Balik (short stories, Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1998), Angkatan 2000 (poetry, Korrie Layun Rampan, ed, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2001), and Horison Kitab Puisi (poetry, Taufiq Ismail, ed., Horison-Ford Foundation, Jakarta, 2001), and be read at Poetry of The Moon, Deutche Welle, Germany (1999-2002).

[edit] Awards and Other Honors

  • MABIMS Award (ASEAN poetry contest, MABIMS, Brunei Darussalam, 1997)
  • Iqra Award (national poetry contest, Iqra Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1992)
  • Suara Merdeka Award (national short story contest, Semarang, Indonesia, 1992)
  • Editor Choice Award (international poetry contest, The International Library of Poetry, USA, 2002).
  • Sanggar Bambu Award (national short story contest, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1992)
  • Other awards from many contests and art events.

Ahmadun's Poems

Ahmadun's Short Stories

Ahmadun's Essais