Agostino Steuco

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Agostino Steuco (in Latin Steuchus or Eugubinus) (1496 - 1549), Italian scholar and divine, was born at Gubbio in Umbria.

In 1513 he entered the congregation of the canons of St Saviour, and for some years earned his living by teaching Oriental languages, theology and antiquities. In 1525 he became librarian of the convent of Sant' Antonio at Venice, returning later to Gubbio as prior of his congregation.

In 1538 he was made bishop of Chisamo in Crete, but returned after a year or two to Rome, where in 1542 he succeeded Alessandro as prefect of the Vatican Library. He wrote many works on sacred antiquities and Bible exegesis.

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This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.

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