African-Canadian Heritage Tour

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The African-Canadian Heritage Tour (ACHT) is a designated trail along several county, city, and Ontario Provincial highways.

The trail starts on Queen Street in the Sandwich neighbourhood of Windsor, Ontario. It turns west at Prince Road, before turning south along Sandwich Street. It curves along Sandwich Parkway to Ojibway Parkway (Former Kings Highway 18, now Essex CR 20). The trail follows CR 20 to Amherstburg, Ontario to CR 10. The trail then turns east along CR 10 (Middle Side Road) towards the community of McGregor, Ontario.

ACHT logo
ACHT logo

The ACHT turns north along CR 9 (Howard Avenue) back towards Windsor, Ontario. The ACHT turns east briefly along Kings Highway 3, before turning onto Kings Highway 401, until Exit 28 (CR 25 (Puce Road), and turns onto CR 25 to the town of Puce, Ontario. The trail turns east along CR 22, through Belle River, Ontario until it meets CR 42, just southeast of the town. The trail follows Essex CR 42 through Tilbury, Ontario (where it becomes Chatham-Kent CR 2 (Queens Line, Formerly Kings Highway 2).

The ACHT turns south onto CR 7 (Merlin Road) through the small community of Fletcher, before turning east onto CR 14 (8th Line). The trail follows CR 14 through North Buxton, Ontario to Kings Highway 40. Upon reaching Highway 40, the trail follows Highway 40 throuch Chatham, and north out of the city for a distance of 11 km. It turns right along CR 29 (Countryview Line), and heads northeast through Turnerville, Ontario, passing through the town along CR 29, turning north along Lindsay Road, and then Cedar Hedge Line (CR 29), following the road into Dresden, Ontario.

[edit] See also

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