Afonso II of Portugal

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Portuguese Royalty
House of Burgundy
Afonso Henriques (Afonso I)
Children include
Sancho I
Children include
Afonso II
Children include
Sancho II
Afonso III
Children include
Children include
Afonso IV
Children include
Peter I
Children include
Ferdinand I
Children include
Beatrice (disputed queen)
Children include
  • Miguel of Trastámara

Afonso II, King of Portugal (Portuguese pron. IPA /ɐ'fõsu/; English Alphonzo), or Affonso (Archaic Portuguese), Alfonso or Alphonso (Portuguese-Galician) or Alphonsus (Latin version), known as the Fat (Port. o Gordo), third king of Portugal, was born in Coimbra on April 23, 1185 and died on March 25, 1223 in the same city. He was the second but eldest surviving son of Sancho I of Portugal by his wife, Dulce of Barcelona, Princess of Aragon. Afonso succeeded his father in 1212.

Afonso II of Portugal
Afonso II of Portugal

As a king, Afonso II set a different approach of government. Hitherto, Sancho I his father and Afonso I his grandfather, were mostly concerned with military issues either against the neighbouring Castile or against the Moors in the south. Afonso did not pursue territory enlargement policies and managed to insure peace with Castile during his reign. Despite this, some towns, like Alcácer do Sal in 1217, were conquered from the Moors by the particular initiative of noblemen. This does not mean that he was a weak or somehow cowardly man. The first years of his reign were marked instead by internal disturbances between Afonso and his brothers and sisters. The king managed to keep security within Portuguese borders only by outlawing and exiling his kin.

Since military issues were not a government priority, Afonso established the state's administration and centralized power on himself. He designed the first set of Portuguese written laws. These were mainly concerned with private property, civil justice, and minting. Afonso also sent ambassadors to European kingdoms outside the Iberian Peninsula and began amiable commercial relations with most of them.

Other reforms included the always delicate matters with the pope. In order to get the independence of Portugal recognized by the popes, his grandfather, Afonso I, had to legislate an enormous amount of privileges to the Church. These eventually created a state within the state. With Portugal's position as a country firmly established, Afonso II endeavoured to weaken the power of the clergy and to apply a portion of the enormous revenues of the Roman Catholic church to purposes of national utility. These actions led to a serious diplomatic conflict between the pope and Portugal. After being excommunicated for his audacities by Pope Honorius III, Afonso II promised to make amends to the church, but he died in 1223 before making any serious attempts to do so.

[edit] Ancestors

Afonso's ancestors in three generations
Afonso II of Portugal Father:
Sancho I of Portugal
Father's father:
Afonso I of Portugal
Father's father's father:
Henry, Count of Portugal
Father's father's mother:
Theresa, Countess of Portugal
Father's mother:
Maud of Savoy
Father's mother's father:
Amadeus III of Savoy
Father's mother's mother:
Mahaut of Albon
Dulce Berenguer of Barcelona
Mother's father:
Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona
Mother's father's father:
Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona
Mother's father's mother:
Douce of Gévaudaun
Mother's mother:
Petronila of Aragon
Mother's mother's father:
Ramiro II of Aragon
Mother's mother's mother:
Agnes of Aquitaine

[edit] Marriage and descendants

Afonso married Urraca, princess of Castile, daughter of Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, and Leonora of Aquitaine, in 1208.

Name Birth Death Notes
By Urraca of Castile (1186-1220; married in 1208)
Sancho II September 8, 1207 January 4, 1248 Succeeded him as 4th King of Portugal
Afonso III May 5, 1210 February 16, 1279 Succeeded his brother Sancho as 5th King of Portugal
Eleanor 1211 1231 Married Prince Valdemar, son of Valdemar II of Denmark and Margaret of Bohemia, daughter of Ottokar I of Bohemia
Ferdinand a. 1217 c. 1243 Lord of Serpa
Vicente 1219 1219  
Natural offspring
João Afonso ? 1234 Natural son
Pedro Afonso c. 1210 ? Natural son

[edit] References

House of Burgundy
Cadet Branch of the Capetian dynasty
Born: 23 April 1185
Died: 25 March 1223
Preceded by
Sancho I
Kings of Portugal
Succeeded by
Sancho II