
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greetings, Afd-welcome, and welcome to Wikipedia's deletion process! Thank you for your contributions. As a newcomer, it may be helpful for you to read the Wikipedia deletion policy, and the pages describing the article deletion process, proposed deletion, and speedy deletion. Remember that deletion debates are not votes, and reasons matter, especially reasons relating to the central content policies of WP:V, WP:NPOV, WP:NOR, and WP:NOT, and to the consensual community guidelines WP:BIO, WP:CORP, WP:MUSIC, and WP:FICT. Also remember that deletion isn't always the answer to a bad article. Feel free to drop me a line at my talk page if you have any questions. Again, welcome!

This template exists to welcome newcomers to the deletion process. It is intended for editors making their first forays into WP:AFD or related process pages, and is designed to briefly welcome and inform them about deletion-related policy and guidelines. Because deletion debates are often contentious, it is advised that if you participate in a deletion debate, you not afd-welcome any of the other participants in the same debate, as it may seem condescending and imply that your opinions are better than theirs.

[edit] See also

Wikipedia:Introduction to Deletion Process, where the "weclome" link directs.