User talk:Aet Lindling/Script Frenzy

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Script Frenzy is a creative writing project created by The Office of Letters and Light, who also created NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. Similar to NaNoWriMo, Script Frenzy will be a contest in which each participant attempts to write a full screenplay in one month.

Plays will also be a category in Script Frenzy. There is already an avenue for playwrights to write a play in one month in November (as an alternative to NaNoWriMo) over at NaPlWriMo. Some of the NaPlWriMo staff will plan to help in the Script Frenzy playwriting forums.

According to NaNoWriMo, Script Frenzy is being launched because screenplays are "outside the scope of NaNoWriMo."

Script Frenzy will launch in June of 2007.

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Category:Internet culture Category:Literary societies Category:June observances Category:Writing contests Category:Playwriting