Talk:Aerican Empire

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Articles for deletion
This page was previously nominated for deletion.
Please see prior discussions before considering re-nomination:

This article belongs on uncyclopedia.. 21:37, 20 January 2007 (UTC) JamieScuffell

It depends what you consider real. The empire does not hold any land, other than some land on Mars, and any land belonging to the citizens. It exists mostly upon the internet, although many of its citizens do treat it as at least a semi-real place. Aericanwizard 23:16, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

Is this even a real place? Black Omnimon 21:00, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

this is rediculous!!! made my tummy shaked up and down non-stop with great pain as a result of over-laughing after reading about this...LOL!!!

THIS MICRONATION IS NOT NOTEWORTHY ENOUGH TO DESERVE IT'S OWN PAGE. If I had an acount, Id vote for deletion. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs).

Wikipedia is built to become a source of all human knowledge. Just read the mission statement. The Aerican Empire, along with Sealand, is perhaps the most famous micronation and it has more "citizens" than any other internet micronation. It is very noteworthy and it does deserve its own page. Ace Combat Fanatic 15:14, 18 November 2006 (UTC)

If this one is not deleted, I'm going to create these much needed entries for

  • the Jedisia, the colony for the fallen Jedis,
  • the Musturn, the planet hidden behind Saturn that houses the Mustang Space Ranch,
  • the Pord, the next wave of foreign automobile invasion from Poland,
  • the Freeland, the other micronation that houses all free-thinking men and women

and more

I didn't find Moronia in this list of micronations

[edit] Defense

The Aerican Empire has nearly 100 active citizenry but many have had their citizenship revoked due to inactivity so there has been maybe over a thousand citizens altogether. While most micronations are unrealistic or never last Aerica has existed since the 1980's and it continues to grow and strive towards its goals. How can anyone deny this? It has its own .com website. It has an extremely active citizenry and government. The Aerican Empire is one of the oldest fully functional micronations in existence today. Aerica is a model micronation of what many want but what very few can ever aspire to become. To delete this page would be a direct insult to micronationalism and to every citizen of Aerica.

I fully object to the deletion of this page. What reason is there to delete a glorious nations Wikipedia page? When people are interested in seeing examples of successful micronations they will want to read about The Empire of Aerica. The Empire of Aerica has also been mentioned many times via newspapers and I heard even on television a few times. The documentation can all be found on the official website. Thank you. Crud3w4re 18:19, 21 January 2007 (UTC)