Aeroplane Jelly

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Aeroplane Jelly is a well known jelly brand in Australia. Most Australians can instantly recognise the company's theme song and logo. The most iconic rendition of jingle was sung by five year-old Joy King in 1938, with variations and edited versions (most often without the 4th and 5th lines) still used today:

Cover of Aeroplane Jelly sheet music and lyrics
Cover of Aeroplane Jelly sheet music and lyrics

I like Ae-ro-plane Jel-ly, Ae-ro-plane Jel-ly for me.

I like it for din-ner, I like it for tea,

A litt-le each day is a good re-ci-pe!

The qua-li-ty's high, as the name will im-ply,

It's made from pure fruit - one more good rea-son why

I like Ae-ro-plane Jel-ly, Ae-ro-plane Jel-ly for me!

(See for an image of the sheet music)

Aeroplane Jelly was established as a backyard business in the late 1920s to become one of Australia's largest family-operated food manufacturers. The company's advertising techniques used saturated advertising and advertising stunts that promoted the company as well as entrenching the company into Australian popular culture. Aeroplane Jelly came to be known alongside such brands as Holden and Vegemite. Aeroplane Jelly was bought by McCormick Foods Australia in 1995, who are the Australian branch of the McCormick and Company food company.