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In the fictional world of Warhammer Fantasy, Aenarion was a great hero of the High Elves before the sundering, whose skills were unrivalled amongst other mortals or immortals, albeit a doomed one. Blessed by the Elven god Asuryan he rallied the elves in response to the invasion of Chaos, fighting a heroic but ultimately doomed defence of his home land; although the Elves won victory after victory following him, the forces of Chaos were infinite. After the death of his first wife Astarielle, the Everqueen, his mood became dark and aggressive. In his desperation to defend his people, Aenarion cursed himself and all of his descendants when he drew the Sword of Khaine (a weapon of such power it could kill gods with the mearest touch), from its altar on the Blighted Isle.

His second wife, Morathi, was corrupted by the powers of Chaos, and bore him a twisted son, Malekith who became the first of the Dark Elves.

Seeing that the ongoing battles against the forces of Chaos could only end in defeat, Caledor Dragontamer called the greatest of the High Elf mages together. They devised a plan to create a vortex that would drain the magic flooding in through the shattered polar gate from the world.

Choosing the Isle of the Dead as the site for the centre of the vortex, the mages assembled there and started their incantations. Sensing the scale of what was being attempted, the forces of Chaos started to converge on the island to halt the proceedings, and Aenarion was forced to assemble his armies to protect the mages.

Aenarion engaged the greatest of the Greater Daemons of Chaos during the battle, and although he was victorious both he and his dragon, Indraugnir, were mortally wounded. Ever faithful, Indraugnir flew the dying Aenarion north to the Blighted Isle so that he could drive the curséd sword back into the altar from whence it came. Aenarion then passed into legend.

The creation of the vortex had been successful - although it drained the excess magic from the world, weakening the forces of Chaos greatly, the mages that had enacted the spell were trapped within it for eternity.

Phoenix Kings of Ulthuan

Aenarion | Bel Shanaar | Caledor | Caledor II | Caradryel
Tethlis | Bel-Korhadris | Aethis | Morvael | Bel-Hathor | Finubar

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