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Aelfgifu is a fine old Anglo-Saxon name. Can't imagine why it fell out of favour. ;-) There are actually Anglo-Saxon first names still in use: Edward and Edmund, for example, and loads of surnames, such as anything ending in "-wine" or "-win", Godwin etc.

Another Aelfgifu (It's not me. Hey, I'm not even as old as Stevie Nicks!)
Another Aelfgifu (It's not me. Hey, I'm not even as old as Stevie Nicks!)

As you may have guessed, I like history. I also like science fiction and fantasy. Anything but current events! I do pay attention to current events, but don't ask because my mama told me, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all").

My skills are:

  • good at spelling (holding two English dictionaries — UK/US — simultaneously in my feeble brain)
  • pretty good at stringing words into coherent sentences
  • digressing from the subject1 — look is that a rainbow?
  • drawing pretty diagrams
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
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Oh, and I know a bit about software. Because this is my profile and not an article, I will express my own opinion here. I know quite a bit about the loathesome Microsoft Word. I absolutely despise Word (and that's because I was forced to use it just about every day for an astonishingly large number of years. So I know whereof I speak). I can actually force it to do just about anything I want, and in response it slithers around behind my back and changes things when I'm not looking. You might call it a hate-hate relationship. In the interests of NPOV, Microsoft Word is actually quite a good product to use at home to type up a letter to the bank and things like that. Where it falls down is in places like offices where lots of different people are expected to use it in a communal sort of way. Unfortunately, that's where it's mostly used.

I live in England with three feline confederates and a really cool astronomer.

Thanks to User:DHowell for pointing out the need for copyright releases.

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Additionally, all edits which would qualify as minor edits, e.g. spelling or grammar corrections, formatting or layout changes, correction of obvious facts, etc., but not so marked may be treated as if they were marked as minor.

[edit] My Editing Notes

Note 1: Footnote test. {{fn|number}} goes at the point where the note is needed, and its matching note starts with {{fnb|samenumber}}.


This user is a humanist.