Advent of the Zenith

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'Advent of the Zenith (AotZ)' is a custom Aeon of Strife, JASS-enhanced map made for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne by Rising_Dusk, known for its emphasis on hero-oriented combat rather than the more traditional, item-based style.


[edit] The Heroes

[edit] The Hallowed Order

  • Zhall Warhorn, the Earth Wanderer

Zhall is a heavy damaging tank. He specializes on shotgun attacks on enemies, where his power is in burst damage. He has the second highest life of any hero in the map and has the highest potential for damage of any hero. However, he moves very slow and slowing skills can allow enemies to literally walk circles around him. Without any real ranged skills, if he can't get to you then he can't really hurt you. Several abilities though allow him to stun and catch up to enemies decently.

  • Violet, the Mesmer

Violet is a relatively fragile spellcaster focused upon enemy hero manipulation to achieve her final goal. All of her abilities are built around disabling and otherwise rendering enemy heroes and units useless in combat (Or simply too scared to fight). The best strategy against Violet is to be careful of your actions, the slightest slipup while she has a spell on you might seal your fate.

  • Hanzaemon Takanuma, the Aoto Ronin

Hanz is a hit and run attacker dealing in very high instantaneous damage to single targets. He's relatively fragile in life and armor, but is strictly for finishing off or killing enemy heroes outright.This property makes him a force to fear in hero battles. To deal with a good Hanz, just be wary of his location at all times and don't let him surprise you. If he catches you with your guard down, you may not have a chance to raise it in time.

  • Chaplain Astelan, the Keeper of the Light

Astelan is a tank with some healing to help him and allies stay alive in battle. All of his spells work in unison with one another to make him one of if not the most imposing and powerful heroes on the Order. The best method to stop a good Astelan is a consistent flow of pressure. Most of the times, Astelan simply cannot take lots of people focusing on him at once. However, in a one on one, he can be very devastating to an unwary enemy.

  • Twilight Solana, the Ivory Blade

Solana is the only true archer on the Hallowed Order, and has the second best sieging spells in the Order. Her abilities focus upon being cast repeatedly and freely, allowing her to keep the pressure on her foes constantly. She also has one of the best area of effect potentials in the map, allowing her to clear entire squads and groups of heroes very effectively. The truth of the matter though is that she cannot take heavy hitters very often. Taking the fight to her often causes her to run away in fear or die.

Note: Solana is one of the few heroes in the game with a one-hit kill ability.

  • Dahaka, the Guardian of the Timeline

Dahaka is the only true support hero on the Order. He is not focused upon slaughtering enemy heroes alone, but is entirely dependent upon team support to maximize his powers. Being both a good creeper and a decent sieger, Dahaka is a great hero all-around, with lots of potential to net kills on bases and heroes. He is the most fragile hero on the Order though, with a whopping 800 life at level 21. This makes him a relatively easy kill for ganks and multiple hero assaults.

  • Kisrug Dins, the Celestial Seeker

Kisrug Dins is the only true focused hero killer of the Order. He is the backbone of many a successful siege or hero gank on the Order and is one of the most popular heroes to boot. Being very versatile, Kisrug can stun enemies, deal massive damage, move about the battlefield with ease, and outright destroy crowds of enemies. The best strategy to take down an excellent Kisrug player is to wait until an opening arises and take it. A single mistake when playing Kisrug usually leads to a death.

  • Loghaire Thunderstone, the Wheel Clan Overseer

Loghaire is a crazy Dwarven hero on the Hallowed Order. Loghaire has a unique style to him in that he's entirely based upon his own momentum. The longer he's in a fight and beating things up, the better he can do in the coming battle. To be fair, the only time Loghaire is very vulnerable to enemy attack is when he has no momentum built up. Otherwise his defenses are simply too strong to penetrate.

  • Arke Tehrannit, the Arbor Eternal

Arke has the highest life of any unit in the entire map, and with that has the slowest movement speed. He is a very one-sided hero in that he has so much strength and power, but is simply too slow to abuse it. Generally speaking, the only way to stop a truly great Arke player is to keep the pressure on and just chase him to death when he tries to make a run for it. He is just too slow to get away without allied help.

  • Arro Kree, the Transmundane

Arro Kree is the best sieger on the Order. Being a spellcaster with lots of tricks up his sleeve, he manipulates allied and enemy creeps to deal massive damage to enemies. He is regarded as one of the top two spellcasters in the entire map. To beat a good Arro Kree, you need to be excellent at dodging his abilities and preventing him from getting in situations where he can fight back. Without nearby creeps, Arro Kree really can't fight at all.

[edit] The Bane of Eternity

  • Kharn, the Khornate Champion of Blood

Kharn is probably the best tank character on the Bane of Eternity. He has the ability to take loads of damage, then shrug it all off and take it all over again. Many times, Kharn is the last hero standing after a large siege or after a heavy gank. The best way to stop him is with multiple hero ganks or single-shot kills. He is a skulking behemoth in all forms of the word.

  • Legion, the Arcessitor

Legion is a very unique spellcaster to the Bane of Eternity. He is an all-around caster, with specialties in both survival and offense. In most cases, he is seen as a very ominous threat to the Order. This causes him to be the focus of lots of firepower. The best chance you'll get to stop a good Legion is to take him down when Guardians are on cooldown. The ability virtually prevents him from taking damage for 20 seconds, so be careful!

  • Janise, the Conservator

Janise is the hero killer of the Bane. Many games, a successful Janise can end with the most kills of any hero in the game. When used right, she can be a devastatingly powerful and mobile hero on the field of battle. The trick to beating Janise is to stun her when she gets low and finish her quick. Generally when she gets low on life, the player escapes with her elite skill.

  • Greel, the Mind Raker

Greel is oftentimes considered one of the most powerful heroes in the game. He cannot attack at all, but in his attack's place can steal life directly from target enemy units. Greel is a very powerful sieger and hero killer in one, and oftentimes is very imposing on the field of battle. To bring him down to size, often it's best to gank him or stun him. Those usually seem to work the best.

  • Ginther Ahbitrox, the Ravager

Ginther is a very powerful melee hero for the Bane. His abilities all augment his attack to optimize his damage output to enemy heroes, units, and structures. He also has an ability to explode upon death, slaughtering nearby foes. The best strategy against Ginther is to kill him by any means necessary, but to not be nearby when he dies! If he dies close to you, he very well might take you out with him.

  • Magoichi Saika, the Rogue Marksman

Magoichi is a ranged almost-archer for the Bane of Eternity. He has the single highest attack range of any hero in the map, allowing him to even outrange towers! To stop a good Magoichi, it's best to catch him on the attack. He generally has a hard time escaping, so getting him on the attack usually seals his fate.

  • Jhita Bonz', the Rattlecage

Jhita is one of two archers on the Bane of Eternity. Jhita's specialties are slowing down enemy heroes and beating them while they cannot fight back. In most cases, Jhita is a force to fear with every single spell of his hindering his enemies' movement in some fashion. To beat a good Jhita, the best offense is literally charging right into his face. Being a fragile hero, Jhita really can't take lots of head-on pressure.

  • Myriad, the Dead of the Forgotten Vale

Myriad is a very unique, squad-based hero on the Bane of Eternity. He specializes in squad-tactics that allow you to single-handledly overwhelm heroes and bases if played perfectly. The true challenge in playing Myriad is knowing how he works and how to optimize his shear power. And to stop a good Myriad, take out the head! If you can finish off the single, glowing skeleton, the rest will falter.

  • Scamp, the Hellion

Scamp is widely regarded as the most popular hero of all of them in AotZ. Not only the most popular, but he is also the most memorable experience to play as. He is the weakest hero in the game in terms of max life, but has the highest movement speed of any hero. He also has many abilities that further his survival and the enemies destruction that death for a good Scamp is hardly an issue. The best method to stop a good Scamp is to catch him out of a body and take him out pronto. Keep him from creeps and supply lots of pressure and he will fall rather quickly.

  • Aurora Lunera, the Ebony Blade

Lunera is one of two archer-type heroes on the Bane of Eternity. She specializes in single-target destruction. This makes her ultimately very useful against specific key enemies you need to take out and fast. To take out Lunera, simply apply multiple hero pressure. Most of the times she cannot handle the pressure and will falter rather easily.

[edit] See also

[edit] External Links

AotZ Home Page

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Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
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