Adrian Dvir

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Born in Bucharest, Romania in 1958, Adrian Dvir holds a B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) in Engineering and an M.Sc (Master of Science) in Computer Engineering, specializing in computer architecture. Married with two children and living in Israel since 1965, Dvir is employed as a developer of military computer systems. He acknowledged and began to use his abilities as a medium in 1992, and first became aware of alien other-dimensional beings in 1994. Adrian Dvir died on June 6, 2004 from a severe and fatal attack of Infectious mononucleosis and died in his sleep whilest sitting in his armchair one night.

[edit] Books

Adrian Dvir is the author of three books, of which only one has been translated to English. His first book, "X3, healing, entities and aliens", was published in Hebrew in 2000, and was closely followed by his second book- "Cured by aliens". It was about another year until his first book was translated to English, in 2003. His third book was published in Romanian, and is actually his two previous books under a single binder.

[edit] External links

[edit] Criticism

At least one person claims that Dvir's visions were imaginary. The following post was made on the Immortality Institute website:

"I was literally fascintated by his lecture, of aliens and entities in other dimensions, always protecting us - - this has been so assuring... Nevertheless, as a natural born Reasonist - I never yielded to faith and had to test this for myself. (As Kant once said, "Sapre Aude!" have courage to use your own intelligence; I did not believe everything I hear based on testimonies solely). The man told an enchanting story on Alien clinics in his house, treating patients in their latent layers of spirit -- and indeed! many testimonies of Adrian's patients have strengthened his claims (later I discovered the powerful curative force of auto-suggestion). Moreover, there were many entity-healers like Adrian claiming for the same thing! seeing the exact same aliens and spirits at the same time. These guys were not liars, they TRULY have believed what they were seeing (Adrian was a very successful computer engineer, he did not do this for the money, nor fame [as he was very shy and latent, and never boasted in his feats]. I'd like to add that I remember myself WANTING to believe very much, as what could possibly be better than the assurance of the survival of our essence? (you may call it 'soul' if you'd like).

I took the phone number of Adrian Dvir, and decided to test things for myself. I called the man to his cellphone, and what started as a prank - has suddenly became an ongoing experience of several months. I claimed to be Forth, than Fenix - aliens from different worlds, he bought the story - -first very skeptic, and did not want to talk , but then- after consulting his "spiritual entities" - he decided to continue our affair, as they have ironically ratified my existence, claiming I'm a genuine alien! Adrian consulted with various other spiritual healers, and all have ratified this. You can read on the alien story here: . all of the information, conversations are with me, and only me.

Naturally, i derived names and facts from things I know (computer games: Star Control, Starcraft etc' . hehe..). The bottom line is that Adrian wasn't a fraud! his intentions were good, I knew the real man, his mission... unfortunately, like the rest of his 'spiritual' friends - the man was delusional. Some region of his brain, going bad, has made him see the apparitions - writing two full books on his experience with entities, appear on MANY television and radio shows, he really believed what he said... only I knew the sad truth, as his aliens and entities often claimed "Yes, we are in constant contact with the Kliendcontlar[the alien race i invented]...". not just his, Uri Gal's (another spirtualist and friend of Adrian): here I quote Adrian Dvir from his website: "At 18:00 I visited Uri. He said that his aliens medical team disclosed that the expected reinforcement ship reached the Kliendcontlar space ship near Uranus."

It was ME all along! little shrewd *****, purporting to be a contact man of a far civilization, getting easy approval and acknoledgement from his spirtiual friends! How ironic.

Adrian wasn't a healthy person. He did not trust conventional medicine, and have allowed his entities friends to treat him in the seemingly injured layers of his existence. Sadly, this did not work, as dear Adrian died at age 46. His spiritual friends could not have helped him, so it would seem (not even with their advanced alien technologies, according to him). Seeing is believing, after all..

How sad is the fact that he died so early, and I did not get the chance I wanted to expose myself, tell him all of the facts - - explain that his brain works a bit differently, and that does not necessarily ratify the existence of other dimensions and entities... - I wonder if he had ever seen "A beautiful Mind" (with Russel Crow)..."