Administrative Zone 2 (Gambela)

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Administrative Zone 2 is one of the three zones of the Ethiopian Region of Gambela; none of the zones of Gambela have names. This zone is bordered by Sudan and the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region on the south, Administrative Zone 3 on the west, Administrative Zone 1 on the north, and the Godere special woreda on the east. Towns and cities in this zone include Abobo and Fugnido.

Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this zone has an estimated total population of 48,084, of whom 23,235 were males and 24,849 were females; 4,935 or 10.3% of its population are urban dwellers. With an estimated area of 13,142.51 square kilometers, this zone has an estimated population density of 3.66 people per square kilometer.[1]

[edit] Woredas

This list of the woredas, or districts, is compiled from material on the CSA website. However, the Ethiopian Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency map of the Gambela Region disagrees with the information from the CSA and the map prepared by UN-OCHA for Gambela: although all have Abobo woreda, where the UN-OCHA map (copyright 2003) shows Gog and Jor the DPPA map (copyright 2006) instead shows Gilo and Dimma woredas. The CSA only provides statistics for Gog and Jor in their latest population estimates.[2]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ CSA 2005 National Statistics, Tables B.3 and B.4
  2. ^ Because Gambela National Park occupies much of the area of Jor, that woreda may have been abolished at some point after 2003 to encourage local inhabitants to move from the area.