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Adjika is a hot, spicy but subtly-flavoured paste often used to flavour food in the country of Georgia and elsewhere in the Caucasus. It is based on a boiled preparation of hot red peppers, garlic, and herbs and spices such as coriander, dill, and blue fenugreek (which is only found in mountain regions such as the Alps or the Caucasus). Tomatoes are not an ingredient of traditional adjika.

It is said to be a Mingrelian recipe, from the west of Georgia. It is usually red, though green adjika can be made with unripe peppers.

In appearance and consistency adjika resembles Italian red-pesto. The spiciness varies from recipe to recipe; those acquainted with British-Asian curry styles would probably rate a typical adjika as 'vindaloo strength'.

Home-made adjika is available from many market stalls in the Caucasus. Many consider the best-tasting examples come from the region of Abkhazia.