Adi Gallia

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Star Wars character
Adi Gallia

Position Jedi Master/Council Member
Homeworld Corellia
Species Human
Gender Female
Height 1.84 meters
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Gin Clarke (credited as "Gin")

Adi Gallia is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, and is portrayed by Gin Clarke.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Background

A Jedi Master of astonishing power and charisma from the planet Corellia, Adi Gallia was a member of the Jedi Council during the Battle of Naboo and the Battle of Geonosis 10 years later. She had great intuition, skill in research, and a notable understanding of the economics of politics, as her parents were famed Corellian diplomats. A skilled pilot, she was among those who tested the new Jedi Starfighters and flew in air support above Geonosis along with her former Padawan, Siri Tachi. Gallia was extremely close to Qui-Gon Jinn and was devastated when he was killed.

One of Gallia's most distinguishing features was her unorthodox lightsaber style. She held her lightsaber in a reverse grip resulting in wide, long swings. Although her own record of accomplishments and talents were impressive, Gallia took greater pride in Siri.

Gallia participated on a mission to Yinchorr with most of the Jedi Council shortly before the Battle of Naboo. She also went on a mission with Ki-Adi-Mundi, A'Sharad Hett, and the Dark Woman to find a bounty hunter named Aurra Sing, and she was nearly killed in an explosion there. Gallia also participated in a mission to the planet Malastare.

Gallia made an appearance in Star Wars Episode One: Jedi Power Battles as one of the playable characters from the beginning. Interestingly, one of her more useful abilities was a hypnosis-like attack which would affect enemies within a certain radius, both droid and living. Enemies would be unable to move while in their trance, allowing her to make a swift kill without fear of being attacked. Whether she held a power like this in other portions of the Star Wars canon is unknown.

Before the Battle of Geonosis, Gallia helped the pirate Nym and his Lok Revenants take back their base on Lok in the Karthakk system from the Trade Federation, as well as uncovering a plot by General Cavik Toth to develop a lethal poison called 'Tri-Hexalon' that would kill millions if used in missile form.

During the Battle of Geonosis, Gallia led a space battle above the planet with Jedi such as the Dark Woman, Bant Eerin, Saesee Tiin, and her old Padawan, Siri. During this fight, she also defeated Toth, destroying his starfighter as he attempted to flee.

Master Gallia was not in favour of Anakin Skywalker's ascension to Jedi Knight, saying that he misused his powers. Her concerns were eventually overruled, however.

During the Clone Wars, Gallia participated in a space battle in the Varonat system, and became involved with space pirates later on in the war.

She was sent to Boz Pity, where Obi-Wan Kenobi was searching for Asajj Ventress, at the end of the war. Gallia briefly fought General Grievous while there, and mockingly suggested that he would need deflector shields to defeat her. Grievous, however, managed to surprise her by unleashing his second pair of arms and strangling her. Moments before Mace Windu arrived to try and save her, Grievous struck Gallia down before she could react.

Adi Gallia was meant to return in Episodes II and III, but her part was recast with an Australian actress. Though her replacement was dressed in the same costume and make-up, and was also black, director George Lucas decided they did not resemble each other enough to be the same character, and decided to rename her. Gallia's only official appearance after Episode I was in a Jedi Council scene for Episode II, which re-used footage of Clarke.

Adi Gallia also appears in the PlayStation and Dreamcast video game, Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles as a playable character. Her special force power allows her to stun enemies; her unique item is an energy shield which protects her from enemy attacks; and she wields a crimson lightsaber. Adi Gallia is also one of the two starring roles- the other being Nym- in the PlayStation 2 game Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] External links