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Adenia pechuelii
Adenia pechuelii
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Passifloraceae
Genus: Adenia

See text.

Adenia is a genus in the passionflower family Passifloraceae.

[edit] Species and varieties

  • Adenia aculeata Engl.
  • Adenia cissampeloides (Planch. ex Hook.) Harms
  • Adenia cladosepala (Baker) Harms
  • Adenia digitata Engl.
  • Adenia ellenbeckii Harms
  • A. fruticosa
  • Adenia firingalavense (Drake ex Jum.) harms
  • Adenia glauca Schinz
  • Adenia globosa Engl.
  • A. goetzii
  • Adenia keramanthus Harms.
  • A. lanceolata
  • Adenia lobata (Jacq.) Engl.
  • Adenia olaboensis Claverie
  • Adenia pechuelii Harms
  • A. racemosa
  • Adenia spinosa Burtt Davy
  • A. stenodactyla
  • Adenia venenata Forssk.
  • Adenia volkensii Harms

This unobtrusive genus should be better known for the extreme toxicity of the sap, especially in those forming a perennial swollen base (a caudex, hence the caudiciform species). In addition to cyanogenic compounds, these contain lectins which destroy ribosomes, hence prevent protein synthesis. This is the same mode of action as ricin, and the toxicities are comparable. A. volkensii was shown to be intensely toxic by Barbieri (1984). Pelosi et al (2005) compared ten species, and found 3 (A. stenodactyla, A. goezii and A. lanceolata) which were inhibitory at <0.1 ng/ml and lethal to mice at <2ug/kg, making them among the most potent plant toxins known.

[edit] External links

References Luigi Barbieri, Anna Ida Falasca and Fiorenzo Stirpe (1984) Volkensin, the toxin of Adenia volkensii (kilyambiti plant) • FEBS Letters, Volume 171, Issue 2, 11 June 1984, Pages 277-279

Emanuele Pelosi, Chiara Lubelli, Letizia Polito, Luigi Barbieri, Andrea Bolognesi and Fiorenzo Stirpe (2005). Ribosome-inactivating proteins and other lectins from Adenia (Passifloraceae) • Toxicon, Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2005, Pages 658-663

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