Ad nauseam

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Ad nauseam is a Latin term used to describe something that has been continuing "to the point of nausea." For example "This topic has been discussed ad nauseam": it has been discorsed extensively and everyone is tired of it.

Argumentum ad nauseam or argument from repetition or argumentum ad infinitum is a flawed argument, whereby some statement is made repeatedly (possibly by different people) until nobody cares to refute it anymore, at which point the statement is asserted to be true because it is no longer challenged. This is a form of proof by assertion.

[edit] See also

Fallacies of relevance
AccidentAd nauseamBase rate fallacyChronological snobberyCompound questionFallacy of many questionsFalse compromiseNaturalistic fallacyProof by assertionIrrelevant conclusionSpecial pleadingStraw manTwo wrongs make a right
Appeals to emotion
FearFlatteryNoveltyQueernessPityRidiculeSpiteWishful thinking
Genetic fallacies
Ad hominem (Ad hominem tu quoque) • Appeal to authorityAppeal to motiveAppeal to traditionArgumentum ad crumenamArgumentum ad lazarumAssociation fallacyIpsedixitismPoisoning the wellReductio ad Hitlerum