Template:Actinium series

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[edit] Actinium series

The 4n+3 chain of U-235 is commonly called the "actinium series".

nuclide decay mode half life energy released, MeV product of decay
Pu 239 α 2.41·104 a 5.244 U 235
U 235 α 7.04·108 a 4.678 Th 231
Th 231 β- 25.52 h 0.391 Pa 231
Pa 231 α 32760 a 5.150 Ac 227
Ac 227 β- 98.62%
α 1.38%
21.772 a 0.045
Th 227
Fr 223
Th 227 α 18.68 d 6.147 Ra 223
Fr 223 β- 22.00 min 1.149 Ra 223
Ra 223 α 11.43 d 5.979 Rn 219
Rn 219 α 3.96 s 6.946 Po 215
Po 215 α 99.99977%
β- 0.00023%
1.781 ms 7.527
Pb 211
At 215
At 215 α 0.1 ms 8.178 Bi 211
Pb 211 β- 36.1 m 1.367 Bi 211
Bi 211 α 99.724%
β- 0.276%
2.14 min 6.751
Tl 207
Po 211
Po 211 α 516 ms 7.595 Pb 207
Tl 207 β- 4.77 min 1.418 Pb 207
Pb 207 . stable . .