Actions per minute

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Actions Per Minute, commonly abbreviated as APM, is a term used mostly in real time strategy games. APM is commonly mistaken as AMP.


[edit] Actions per Minute

Actions per minute is the number of actions completed within a minute of gameplay in a real time strategy game. High APM is usually associated with skill, because it indicates both that the player has the mental alertness and knowledge of the game to form a complex strategy, and that the player has the manual dexterity to execute that strategy at high speed. A high APM is also an indicator that the player has good "micro" skills. APM is usually referred to as a clear indicator of a Gosu (master) of a game such as StarCraft or Warcraft III.

[edit] Speed in APM

Speed is one factor determining a player's APM. It measures the rapidity at executing actions during gameplay. This includes the number of keystrokes and mouse clicks the player performs. The higher the speed rate, the higher the APM will be. Many players mistaken speed as to determining a player's APM. Players will sometimes stroke two keys close together continually, or 'trill', at times of relative inactivity to increase the APM. This is usually employed so that the player displays a higher level of skill than they actually do. Sometimes though, players claim that this type of action is just a nervous reaction or a habit.

[edit] Efficiency in APM

Efficiency is another factor determining a player's APM. Efficiency simply means how well a player can productively execute desired actions without wasting necessary time to execute other actions. This shows the valid APM during gameplay and does not include spammed actions. Any spammed actions during a gameplay will attribute to an increase of speed. Valid APM is generally measured and calculated by only the efficiency and accuracy of a player's gameplay.

[edit] Accuracy in APM

Accuracy is the third and final factor determining a player's APM. Accuracy is the coordination of precise mouse clicks and keystrokes. Greater accuracy will result in fewer mis-clicks and mis-strokes; thus the player's efficiency increases resulting in a more accurate valid APM. Players who have greater accuracy can perform other vital tasks during gameplay and can multitask between two or more other actions without losing efficiency.

[edit] Conclusion

Which is more important, speed, efficiency, or accuracy? The answer is all of them. These skills are critical in real-time strategy games. A player's APM will rise once all three elements are enhanced. Extremely skilled or gosu real-time strategy gamers constantly improve these three fundamental components to improve the fluidity of gameplay; and thus, this scores the extremely skilled or gosu play a much higher APM result.

[edit] References

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