Actin-binding protein

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Actin-binding proteins in alphabetical order.


[edit] A Actin-Binding Proteins (and Drugs)

  • a-actinin
  • Abl
  • AbLIM Actin-Interacting MAPKKK
  • ABP120
  • ABP140
  • Abp1p
  • ABP280 (Filamin)
  • ABP50 (EF-1a)
  • Acan 125 (Carmil)
  • ActA
  • Actibind
  • Actin
  • Actinfilin
  • Actinogelin
  • Actin-regulating kinases
  • Actin-Related Proteins
  • Actobindin
  • Actolinkin
  • Actopaxin
  • Actophorin
  • Actup
  • Adducin
  • ADF/Cofilin
  • Adseverin (scinderin)
  • Afadin
  • AFAP-110
  • Affixin
  • Aginactin
  • AIP1
  • Aldolase
  • Angiogenin
  • Anilin
  • Annexins
  • Aplyronine
  • Archvillin
  • Arginine Kinase
  • Arp2/3 complex

[edit] B Actin-Binding Proteins

  • Band 4.1
  • Band 4.9(Dematin)
  • b-actinin
  • b-Cap73
  • Bifocal
  • BPAG1
  • Brevin (Gelsolin)

[edit] C Actin-Binding Proteins (and Drugs)

  • c-Abl
  • Calpactin (Annexin)
  • CHO1
  • Cortactin
  • CamKinase II
  • Calponin
  • Chondramide
  • Cortexillin
  • CAP
  • Caltropin
  • CPb3
  • Cap100
  • Calvasculin
  • Ciboulot
  • Coactosin
  • CAP23
  • Acan125
  • Cingulin
  • Cytovillin (Ezrin)
  • CapZ
  • a-Catenin
  • Cofilin
  • CR16
  • Caldesmon
  • CCT
  • Comitin
  • Cytochalasins
  • Calicin
  • Centuarin
  • Coronin

[edit] D Actin-Binding Proteins (and Drugs)

[edit] E Actin-Binding Proteins

[edit] F Actin-Binding Proteins

[edit] G Actin-Binding Proteins

[edit] H Actin-Binding Proteins

  • Harmonin b
  • Hrp36
  • Hexokinase
  • Hrp65-2
  • Hectochlorin
  • HS1
  • Helicase II
  • Hsp27
  • HIP1 (Huntingtin Interacting protein 1)
  • Hsp70
  • Histactophilin
  • Hsp90
  • Histidine rich protein II
  • Hsp100

[edit] I Actin-Binding Proteins

[edit] J Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • Jasplakinolide

[edit] K Actin-Binding Proteins

  • Kaptin
  • Kettin
  • Kelch

[edit] L Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

[edit] M Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

[edit] N Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • Naphthylphthalamic acid binding protein (NPA) N-RAP
  • Nebulin
  • N-WASP
  • Neurabin
  • Nullo
  • Neurexins
  • Neurocalcin
  • Nexillin
  • Neurabin

[edit] O Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • OYE2

[edit] P Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • Palladin
  • Plastin
  • p30
  • PAK (p21-activated Kinase)
  • Plectin
  • p47PHOX
  • Parvin (actopaxin)
  • Prefoldin
  • p53
  • PASK (Proline, Alanine rich Ste20 related Kinase)
  • Presenilin I
  • p58
  • Phalloidin
  • Profilin
  • p185neu
  • Ponticulin
  • Protein Kinase C
  • Porin
  • P.IB
  • Prk1p (actin regulating kinase)

[edit] R Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • Radixin (E.R.M. proteins)
  • Rapsyn
  • Rhizopodin
  • RPL45
  • RTX toxin (Vibrio cholerae)
  • RVS 167

[edit] S Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • Sac6
  • Sla1p
  • Srv2 (CAP)
  • S-Adenosyl-L-homocyteine hydrolase, (SAHH)
  • Sla2p
  • Synaptopodin
  • Scinderin (adseverin)
  • Synapsins
  • Scruin
  • Spectrin
  • Severin
  • Spectraplakins
  • Shot (Short stop)
  • Spire
  • Shroom
  • Smitin (Smooth Musc.Titin)
  • Supervillin
  • SipA
  • Smoothelin
  • Sucrose synthetase
  • SipC
  • Sra-1
  • Spinophilin
  • Ssk2p

[edit] T Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

[edit] U Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

[edit] V Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • VASP
  • Vinculin
  • VAV
  • Verprolin
  • VDAC
  • Vibrio cholerae RTX toxin
  • Villin
  • Vitamin D binding protein

[edit] W Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

[edit] Y Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • Y-box proteins
  • YpkA (YopO)

[edit] Z Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • Zipper protein
  • Zo-1
  • Zyxin

[edit] Numbers Actin-Binding Proteins (& Drugs)

  • 25kDa
  • p53
  • 25kDa ABP from aorta p185neu
  • 30akDA 110 kD dimer ABP
  • 30bkDa 110 kD (Drebrin)
  • 34kDA
  • p116rip
  • 45kDa


[edit] Literature

The encyclopedia of Actin binding proteins