Acrobatic Dog-Fight

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Acrobatic Dog-Fight
Screenshot of Acrobatic Dog-Fight
Screenshot of Acrobatic Dog-Fight
Developer(s) Technos
Publisher(s) Technos
Release date(s) 1984
Genre(s) Shooter game
Mode(s) Up to 2 players, alternating turns
Platform(s) Arcade Game
Input 8-way Joystick, 3 Buttons
Arcade CPU(s) M6502
Arcade sound system(s) Sound Chips : AY8910
Arcade display Horizontal, Raster, 256 x 240 pixels, 80 colors

Acrobatic Dog-Fight or "Dog-Fight - Batten O'Hara no Sucharaka Kuuchuu-sen" in Japan is an 8-way scrolling cute 'em up arcade game released by Technos in 1984, featuring "cute" cartoon graphics and gameplay similar to the 8-way scrolling of Time Pilot but differs from the Time Pilot in many respects. In Acrobatic Dog-Fight the playing field was limited with a ceiling and ground as well as an ultimate destination to navigate to. Acrobatic Dog-Fight also added two buttons, a secondary weapon and an eject button. Eject could be used at any time and made it possible to hijack enemy planes and continue flying them. If the pilot failed to hijack an enemy plane he would parachute to the ground where a standard plane waited near by.