Achim Gercke

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Achim Gercke (August 3, 1902 - ?) was a German politician.

Born in Greifswald, Gercke became a department head of the NSDAP in Munich on January 1, 1932. In April 1933, he was appointed to the Ministry of the Interior, where he served as an expert on racial matters. Gercke devised the system of "racial prophylaxis" forbidding the intermarriage between Jews and Aryans. When Gauleiter Rudolf Jordan claimed Reinhard Heydrich wasn't Aryan, it was Gercke who investigated the issue and concluded that Heydrich was a pure Aryan. Gercke later served as an official in the post war government of Adenauer.


  • The Order of the Death's Head, by Heinz Hoehne, pg. 161-162
  • The Course of Modern Jewish History, by Howard M. Sachar pg. 517
  • Das Reichssippenamt. Eine Institution nationalsozialistischer Rassenpolitik, by Diana Schulle [1]