Ace of Spades HQ

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Ace of Spades HQ

Ace of Spades HQ Logo
Political affiliation Conservative, Libertarian

Ace of Spades HQ, Ace of Spades, or AoS is a conservative and libertarian weblog, and has been described as a "smart military blog"[1]. Created in 2003, Ace of Spades has had approximately 10 million hits as of January 9th 2007 [2]. It was the 44th top political blog of 2006, as determined by The Truth Laid Bear [3]. It is off and on the number one Google search result for "moronblog"[4].

The blog, a member of Pajamas Media, is often critical of other political and liberal blogsites, including Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish [5], the Huffington Post [6], and the Daily Kos [7]. Ace of Spades HQ often engages in profanity and humor in context with its political message; the Anchoress has described it as "smart but very very vulgar." [8]

Little is known, or can be found, about the site's main blogger, Ace. This is probably intentional, as many bloggers choose to remain anonymous (in part due to potential threats from people of different political mindsets). The Hotline Blog Directory lists all question marks under their profile for Ace under the subjects of age, residence, occupation, education, ect. [9] A recent post on his blog suggests that he does some screen-writing in his spare time, and is trying to get his movies made in Hollywood.[10]

A quote in the AoS banner reads: "'Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats.' -- H.L. Mencken"[11]


[edit] Content

AoS, like many political blog, links to and comments on the days news. Unlike most political blogs, however, it often features humorous content such as videos, jokes, cartoons, sarcasm and pictures. The site also uses copious ammounts of profanity and vulgar language, setting it apart from most mainstream conservative, political blogs.

[edit] Leaving Blogspot

AoS' first post appeared on Blogspot on December 30th, 2003. It appears that Ace forgot to title the post, and it says, simply, "First post."[12] On April 18th, 2004, the first post appeared at AoS' current website. The post was titled "She laid her docile Crescent down," and was the text of the Emily Dickinson poem of the same name. With his trademark humor, Ace then commented, "Is it just me, or was Emily Dickinson doing some really good weed when she wrote this stuff?"[13] As of January, 2007 the last post appeared at the blogspot address in July of 2006.[14]

[edit] Ten Millionth Hit

On January 9th, AoS reached its ten millionth hit. Upon reaching 10 million hits, the site's primary author, Ace, commented (in a post humorously titled "Grim Milestone: Ten Millionth Hit Coming"), "I'd like to thank all sixteen of you, and extend a special thanks to the spouses who do not give you any sex and thus compel you into a dark lonely "life" lived out on the Internet, as well as the teachers who shaped you in your early years to be goldbricking layabouts who do nothing but fuck about on the computer all day long (Gee, isn't it funny traffic plunges after 5pm every day?), and of course your incompetent bosses who apparently cannot be bothered to notice you're about as crucial to your companies' success as, say, a box of stale circus peanuts."[15]

Ace later posted a celebratory video of Motörheads' "Ace of Spades."[16]

[edit] External links

[edit] Notes

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