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ACE*COMM (or Acecomm; NASDAQ: ACEC) is a telecommunications software provider based in Gaithersburg, Maryland, with offices in London, Edinburgh, Montreal, Bundall (QLD, Australia), and Shanghai.

Its flagship product lines include: NetPlus®, an enterprise telemanagement system; Network Business Intelligence™, a set of applications that provide business intelligence features to network environments; and Convergent Mediation® SDP, a set of network mediation and service delivery applications for telecom and network service providers.

[edit] History

ACE*COMM (AKA, Acecomm) was founded in 1965 as a service bureau for small, independent telephone companies. Incorporated into its present form in 1983, the company currently employs about 200 people in offices in Australia, Canada, China, the UK and the US.

Beginning in 1984, ACE*COMM expanded into the public carrier sector in response to the increasing demands on operations support systems and a growing need for more real-time data collection. In the mid-1990s the Company expanded its products’ data collection capabilities and developed specialized network-usage data warehousing systems and business performance-management software. With IP-based technologies continuing to transform the telecommunications industry, ACE*COMM has expanded into next-generation networks.