User:Abu Dhabi/Fontmaster

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Fontmaster is a text-based social computer game. It can be played by anyone who is literate and has basic skills with a word processor.


[edit] Rules

[edit] Objective

To win the game you must create a better, prettier document than your opponent(s).

[edit] Beginning

First thing than needs to be done is choosing a judge. This person has to be accepted as such by all participants and cannot play the game, because s/he will choose the winner.

Next, the judge gives the participants identical copies of the base material, which they will use to create their documents. The judge may, but is not compelled to, set size restrictions on the documents (such as two pages).

All players go to their respective workstations/computers/laptops and begin the typing process.

To insure fairness, they have to use the same text-editor, chosen by the judge.

And they're off!

The players have a time limit for their work. The typical amount is one hour. The end of this period is announced by the judge, all must stop then and print their creations (if possible, if not they just let the judge inspect each document in digital form).

Players can use any and all features of the program they're using, no holds barred.

[edit] Scoring

After the players have finished, the judge inspects their work assigning each document a score based on three criteria:

*Validity, a measure of how well a player made use of the base material, accuracy of data.

*Aesthetics, a measure of how pretty a document is, use of fonts, cliparts, ASCII art, colors, etc.

*Spelling, a measure of the correct use of the language in question.

Each of these criteria has a value between 0 and 10. Summed up they form the final score. Highest score wins.

Additianally, each word the judge doesn't know the meaning of, counts as 1 bonus point.

[edit] Prize

Losers of the game are compelled to call the winner "Fontmaster" or "Master of the Keyboard" for one day. They are temporarily excused of this duty if the boss or teacher is within earshot.

[edit] Target Audience

People who will no doubt find this game entertaining are cubicle workers and students (especially Computer Sciences).