Abu Mansur Al Maturidi

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Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud Abu Mansur al-Samarqandi al-Maturidi al-Hanafi (Arabic: محمد بن محمد بن محمود أبو منصور الماتريدي السمرقندي الحنفي) (d. 333 AH / 944 CE) was a Muslim theologian.

Born in Maturid near Samarqand, he was educated in Muslim theology and juristic sciences.

His Teachers were Abu Nasr Ahmed b. Abbas b. Husayin al-Iyazi, Abu Bakr Ahmed b. Ishak b. Salih el-Juzjani (writer from Al-Farq wat Tamyiz),Nusayr b. Yahya al-Balkhi and Qadilqudat Muhammad b. Mukatil ar-Razi.

Abu Nasr al-Iyazi was his Teacher and Friend. Abu Bakr al-Juzjani was the pupil of Abu Sulayman Musa b. Sulayman el-Juzjani which was the pupil of Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad Ash-Shaybani. Muhammad b. Mukatil did learn from Imam Muhammad as-Shaybani too.

Abu Mansur al-Maturidi wrote mostly against other sects, mainly Mu'tazilis, Qarmati, and Shi'a.

His theology is almost identical to that of Ash'aris. His followers are chiefly those of areas where the Hanafi school of law is prevalent, such as Turkey, Central Asia, Pakistan and India.

[edit] Works

  • Kitab Al Tawhid ('Book of Monotheism')
  • Kitab Radd Awa'il al-Adilla, a refutation of a Mu'tazili book
  • Radd al-Tahdhib fi al-Jadal, another refutation of a Mu'tazili book
  • Kitab Bayan Awham al-Mu'tazila ('Book of Exposition of the Errors of Mu'tazila
  • Kitab Ta'wilat al-Qur'an ('Book of the Interpretations of the Quran')
  • Kitab al-Maqalat
  • Ma'akhidh al-Shara'i` in Usul al-Fiqh
  • Al-Jadal fi Usul al-Fiqh
  • Radd al-Usul al-Khamsa, a refutation of Abu Muhammad al-Bahili's exposition of the Five Principles of the Mu'tazila
  • Radd al-Imama, a refutation of the Shi`i conception of the office of Imam;
  • Al-Radd `ala Usul al-Qaramita
  • Radd Wa`id al-Fussaq, a refutation of the Mu`tazili doctrine that all grave sinners will be eternally in hell fire.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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