Abraham J. Twerski

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One of Rabbi Twerski's books with his picture on the cover
One of Rabbi Twerski's books with his picture on the cover

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski is a well known American Hasidic Rabbi of Chernobiler descent and psychiatrist. His professional specialty is in substance abuse, and he founded the Gateway Rehabilitation Center, Pittsburgh. He is a son of the late Hornosteipler Rebbe of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

He writes extensively on Judaism and self-help topics, including a book with Snoopy cartoons, drawn by Charles Schultz to explain human interaction and behavior.

His brother, Professor Rabbi Aaron Twerski Esq., is a Dean at Hofstra University and an Attorney representing Class Action Plaintiffs in the Automobile Industry.

His other brothers are Grand Rabbi Michel Twerski, the Hornosteipler Rebbe of Milwaukee; the late Grand Rabbi Shloime Twerski zt"l, the previous Hornosteipler Rebbe of Denver; and the late Rabbi Mordechai Dov Ber Twerski of New York.

[edit] Works

  • A Practical Guide to Rabbinic Counseling (co-author) (Feldheim Publications)
  • A Taste of Nostalgia (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Addictive Thinking and the Addictive Personality (co-author)
  • Addictive Thinking: Why Do We Lie to Ourselves? : Why Do Others Believe Us?
  • Angels Don't Leave Footprints (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Caution: Kindness Can Be Dangerous to the Alcoholic
  • Coping With Stress: The 9/11 Generation
  • Dear Rabbi, Dear Doctor (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Dearer Than Life (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Do Unto Others: How Good Deeds Can Change Your Life
  • The Enemy Within (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • The First Year of Marriage (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • From Pulpit to Couch
  • Generation to Generation
  • Getting Up When Your Down (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Growing Each Day (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Haggadah From Bondage to Freedom (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • I Am I (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • I'd Like to Call for Help, but I Don't Know the Number: The Search for Spirituality in Everyday Life
  • I Didn't Ask to Be in This Family: Sibling Relationships and How They Shape Adult Behavior and Dependencies
  • It happens to doctors, too
  • It's Not As Tough As You Think (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • It's Not As Tough At Home As You Think (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Let Us Make Man
  • Life's too short!
Another one of Rabbi Twerski's many books
Another one of Rabbi Twerski's many books
  • Light At the End of the Tunnel (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Lights Along the Way (Mesillas Yesharim) (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Living Each Day (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Living Each Week (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Not Just Stories (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Positive Parenting (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Rebbes and Chassidim: What They Said - What They Meant (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Seek Sobriety, Find Serenity
  • Self-Discovery in Recovery
  • Self Improvement I'm Jewish (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • The Shame Borne in Silence
  • Simchah - It's Not Just Happiness
  • Smiling Each Day (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • The Spiritual Self: Reflections on Recovery and God
  • Substance-Abusing High Achievers: Addiction as an Equal Opportunity Destroyer
  • Successful Relationships at Home, at Work and with Friends (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Ten Steps To Being Your Best (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • That's Not a Fault...It's a Character Trait
  • The thin you within you
  • Twerski on Chumash (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Twerski on Prayer (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Twerski On Spirituality (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Visions of the Fathers (on Pirkei Avos) (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • Waking Up Just in Time
  • When Do the Good Things Start?
  • Who Says You're Neurotic: How to Avoid Mistaken Psychiatric Diagnoses When the Problem May Be a Physical Condition
  • Wisdom Each Day (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)
  • The Zeide Reb Motele (Artscroll Mesorah Publications)

[edit] External links

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