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ABrowse 0.4 alpha under Syllable
ABrowse 0.4 alpha under Syllable

ABrowse is a web browser for the Syllable operating system. Like Apple's Safari web browser, it uses a port of the KHTML layout engine. ABrowse's inception and port of KHTML were performed by Kurt Skauen for his now-defunct AtheOS project.

The port of KHTML communicates with the operating system's GUI's widget toolkit via a wrapper for the Qt toolkit.

Due to difficulties with the amount of work required to maintain current ports of KHTML on Syllable, other layout engines such as Gecko have been discussed, but Syllable developer Arno Klenke has kept the KHTML port up-to-date in the meantime. Furthermore, while KHTML, a slimmer engine than Gecko, is made in pure C++ , allowing it to be painlessly ported with a Qt wrapper to Syllable (which is also constructed in pure C++), Gecko is constructed with a larger, more diverse codebase, thus making a future port of Gecko a far more time- and code-intensive effort [1].

aBrowse is also the name for a web-based anonymous proxy. (See also.)

[edit] See also