Abomination (comics)

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The Abomination

The Abomination
Art by Mike Deodato.

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Tales to Astonish vol. 1 #90 (April 1967)
Created by Stan Lee
Gil Kane
Alter ego Emil Blonsky
Affiliations Rhino, Galaxy Master, MODOK.
Notable aliases Agent R-7, The Ravager of Worlds
Abilities Superhuman strength, stamina and durability

The Abomination (Emil Blonsky) is a fictional supervillain that appears in the Marvel Universe and is a perennial foe of the Incredible Hulk. The Abomination first appears in Tales to Astonish vol. 1 #90 (April 1967), and was created by Stan Lee and Gil Kane.


[edit] Fictional character biography

Emil Blonsky is a KGB agent who becomes the Abomination after deliberately exposing himself to the same gamma radiation (but in a greater quantity) that transforms Bruce Banner into the Hulk. Blonsky survives the radiation as, like Bruce Banner, he belongs to a small minority born with a genetic factor that caused them to mutate instead of die horribly. As a result, Blonsky is transformed into a massive green-skinned monster with physical strength exceeding even that of the Hulk. In his first appearance, the Abomination is more than twice as powerful as a calm Hulk. While able to retain his mental faculties, Blonsky soon discovered that he is unable to return to human form. [1]

Blaming his condition on Banner and his alter ego, the Hulk, Blonsky returns to attack his arch foe time and again. Although stronger than the Hulk in a calm state, the Abomination has almost always been beaten by the Hulk's sheer savagery. In later issues, it is revealed that Blonsky's transformation alienates his ex-wife, Nadia. Coupled with constant defeats at the hands of the Hulk, this drives Blonksy insane with hatred for Banner. The Abomination also grows incensed upon learning that Banner has married Betty Ross, the daughter of General Thunderbolt Ross. With the loss of his wife, Blonsky decides that Banner should also lose his spouse. The Abomination subsequently poisons Betty with his radioactive blood, causing Banner and his associates to believe that her close proximity to the Hulk has given her a fatal case of radiation poisoning. Banner later exposes the Abomination's role in Betty's false death, and the Hulk defeats him in combat. Banner then forgives the Abomination, who cannot accept this act. Blonsky finally realizes that he has been living a lie - it is he who is the monster, not the Hulk.

Months later, the still-grieving General Ross manipulates the Hulk into attacking and almost killing the Abomination. The Abomination is then taken into custody by the military, and as punishment is forced to watch a film loop of himself and his wife prior to his transformation, making his incarceration a constant reminder of what he has lost.

Eventually, operatives from the secret organization Home Base release the Abomination in order to fight the Hulk. The Abomination has become even more vicious as a result of his incarceration, and reminds Banner of the loss of Betty to goad him into a violent response. The plan backfires as the Abomination faces an enraged Hulk, who utterly defeats him.

The Abomination later realises the Hulk is missing [2] and rampages through the city of Reno, in Nevada. Although stopped by She-Hulk and placed in containment by agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Abomination is not transported to prison as the hero Iron Man apparently has plans for him. [3]

[edit] Powers and abilities

Blonsky's transformation into The Abomination substantially increases his strength and durability. The Abomination differs from the Hulk in three ways:

  • He is unable to transform into human form. [4]
  • While at least twice as strong as the Hulk in "calm" state, his strength does not increase. [5]
  • He is also capable of regenerating from damage, but at a slower rate [6].

The Abomination is still very resistant to damage and can hold his breath for extended periods of time. The Abomination can also go into a state of suspended animation if in a climate lacking air or heat. He can also bound like the Hulk, and travel many miles with one hop.

[edit] Alternate versions

[edit] Ultimate Abomination

This version of the Abomination is a Chinese scientist named Chang Lam, and discovers a means of becoming an Asian version of the Hulk. Unlike the Hulk, the Ultimate Abomination retained his mental faculties. He resembled a yellowish combination of a gorilla and reptile, and was at least 25 feet tall. The Ultimate Abomination was a member of the Liberators, and in a final battle with the Hulk he was decapitated. [7] This version also has a tail, pointed ears, scales on shoulders and is bald.

[edit] Future Imperfect

In the dystopic timeline of Future Imperfect, the Abomination (simply called "Emil") and his mutated minions battle the the Maestro for control over the planet for decades. [8]

[edit] See also

[edit] Appearances in other media

[edit] Video games

  • The Abomination is the central villain of The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction video game (2005), in which he is voiced, both as Emil Blonsky and the Abomination, by Ron Perlman. The game retells a definitive origin of the Abomination character, and ties directly into Peter David's Abomination focused sister-story entitled "Hulk: Destruction". Combined, the two redefine Abomination's origin in one consistent story.

[edit] Film

Avi Arad of Marvel has confirmed that the Abomination will be a villain in the upcoming film The Incredible Hulk, the sequel to Hulk.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Tales To Astonish vol. 1, #90 - 92
  2. ^ Transported off-world by the Illuminati and participating in events in Planet Hulk.
  3. ^ She-Hulk vol. 3, #15
  4. ^ Tales To Astonish vol. 1, #90
  5. ^ Tales To Astonish vol. 1, #90
  6. ^ The Incredible Hulk vol. 1, #288
  7. ^ Ultimates vol. 2, #12 (2006)
  8. ^ The Abominations #1 - 3 (1996 - 1997)

[edit] External links

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