Abies guatemalensis
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Abies guatemalensis or Guatemalan fir is a tree of the fir familie,it is a conical tree 20-35 m. tall, 60-90 cm. in girth, with horizontal branches. Bark blackish-brown, divided into plates. Branchlets reddish-brown to deep blackish-red, pubescent. Buds globular-ovoid, resinous, to 5 mm. long. Leaves somewhat comb-like or nearly pectinate in arrangement, unequal, deepgreen above, glaucous beneath, 1.5-5.5 cm. long by 1.2-2 mm. wide; stomata usually absent above, in 8-10 lines below; resin canals 2, marginal; apex notched and emarginate. Female cones oblong-cylindric, apex pointed to somewhat flattened, yellowish-brown with a violet bloom, 8-11.5 cm. long by 4-4.5 cm. wide; scales oblong, broader than long; bracts hidden, about 1/2 height of the scale, cuneate-obovoid. Seeds light brown, nut to 9 mm. long, wing to 1.5 cm. long" (Silba 1986). It is Endemic in Guatemala, where is protected and being cultivated for Christmas Tree decoration, a very special feature of this tree is its smell, very rich and stroger than the other species of the family. The forest of Los Altos de San Miguel Totonicapán in Guatemala, which is said to harbor the largest and best-conserved.