Abelian root group

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If G is an abelian group and P is a set of primes then G is an abelian P-root group if every element in G has a pth root for every prime p in P:

g\in G,p\in P \Rightarrow \exists h\in G, h^p=g\;

(with the product written multiplicatively)

If the set of primes P has only one element p, for convenience we can say G is an abelian p-root group. In a p-root group, the cardinality of the set of pth roots is the same for all elements. For any set of primes P, being a P-root group is the same as being a p-root group for every p in P.

For any specific set of primes P, the class of abelian P-root groups with abelian group homomorphisms forms a full subcategory of the category of abelian groups, but not a Serre subcategory (as the quotient of an epimorphism is an abelian group, but not necessarily an abelian P-root group). If the set of primes P is empty, the category is simply the whole category of abelian groups.

If the roots are all unique, we call G an abelian unique P-root group.

If G is an abelian unique P-root group and S is a subset of G, the abelian unique P-root subgroup generated by S is the smallest subgroup of G that contains S and is an abelian P-root group.

If G is an abelian unique P-root group generated by a set of its elements on which there are no non-trivial relations, we say G is a free abelian unique P-root group. For any particular set of primes P, two such groups are isomorphic if the cardinality of the sets of generators is the same.

An abelian P-root group can be described by an abelian P-root group presentation:

\langle g_1,g_2,g_3,\ldots | R_1, R_2, R_3,\ldots\rangle_P

in a similar way to those for abelian groups. However, in this case it is understood to mean a quotient of a free abelian unique P-root group rather than a free abelian group, which only co-incides with the meaning for an abelian group presentation when the set P is empty.

[edit] Classification of abelian P\;-root groups

Suppose G\; is an abelian P\;-root group, for some set of prime numbers P\;.

For each p\in P\;, the set R_p=\{g\in G, \exists n\in \mathbb{N}, g^{p^n}=I\}\; of p^n\;th roots of the identity as n\; runs over all natural numbers forms a subgroup of G\;, called the p\;-power torsion subgroup of G\; (or more loosely the p\;-torsion subgroup of G\;). If G\; is an abelian p\;-root group, R_p\; is also an abelian p\;-root group. G\; may be expressed as a direct sum of these groups over the set of primes in P\; and an abelian unique P\;-root group G_U\;:

G=G_U\oplus \left(R_{p_1}\oplus R_{p_2}\oplus\ldots\right)\;

Conversely any abelian group that is a direct sum of an abelian unique P\;-root group and a direct sum over \{p\in P\}\; of abelian p\;-root groups all of whose elements have finite order is an abelian P\;-root group.

Each abelian unique P\;-root group G_U\; is a direct sum of its torsion subgroup, G_T\;, all of which elements are of finite order coprime to all the elements of P\;, and a torsion-free abelian unique P\;-root group G_\infty\;:

G_U=G_T \oplus G_\infty\;

G is simply the quotient of the group G by its torsion subgroup.

Conversely any direct sum of a group all of whose elements are of finite order coprime to all the elements of P\; and a torsion-free abelian unique P\;-root group is an abelian unique P\;-root group.

In particular, if P\; is the set of all prime numbers, G_U\; must be torsion-free, so G_T\; is trivial and G_U=G_\infty\;).

In the case where P\; includes all but finitely many primes, G_\infty\; may be expressed as a direct sum of free abelian unique Q_i\;-root groups for a set of sets of primes Q_i\supseteq P\;.

G_\infty=\bigoplus_{i\in I}F_{Q_i}\;

In particular, when P\; is the set of all primes,

G_\infty\cong\bigoplus_{i\in I}F_P\;

a sum of copies of the rational numbers with addition as the product.

(This result is not true when P\; has infinite complement in the set of all primes. If

\forall i\in \mathbb{N}, p_i\notin P \;

is an infinite set of primes in the complement of P\; then the abelian unique P\;-root group which is the quotient by its torsion subgroup of the group with the following presentation:

\langle e_1,e_2,e_3,\ldots | e_1=e_2^{p_1},e_2=e_3^{p_2},e_3=e_4^{p_3},\ldots\rangle_P

cannot be expressed as a direct sum of free abelian unique Q\;-root groups.)

[edit] Examples

  • The angles constructible using compass and straightedge form an abelian 2-root group under addition modulo 2\pi\;. Each element of this group has two 2-roots.
  • The groups of numbers with a terminating decimal expansion and addition as the product is the free abelian unique \{2,5\}\;-root group with a single generator.
  • The group of rational numbers with addition as the product, \{\mathbb{Q},+\}\;, is the free abelian P\;-root group on a single generator for P\; the set of all primes.
  • For a prime p\;, the group of complex numbers of the form e^{2\pi i \frac{r}{p^n}}\; for r\; and n\; natural numbers forms an abelian p\;-root group R_p\;, all of whose elements have finite order, with the usual product. This group has a presentation as an abelian p\;-root group:
\langle g \;| g \;\rangle_{\{p\}}\;
This group is known as the Prüfer group, the p-quasicyclic group or the p group
  • The group \mathbb{T}^1\; of complex numbers of modulus 1 forms an abelian P\;-root group where P\; is the set of all prime numbers. \mathbb{T}^1\; may be expressed as the direct sum:
\mathbb{T}^1\cong\left(R_2\oplus R_3\oplus R_5\oplus\ldots \right)\oplus\bigoplus_{i\in I}{F_P}\;
where each R_p\; is the group defined in the previous example, F_P\cong\{\mathbb{Q},+\}\;, and I\; has the cardinality of the continuum.

[edit] See also