Talk:Abdul Hadi Palazzi

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The Palazzi's statement are self-written by himself, he's a well known troll on italian web. He's simply a pretender, who pretends to be muslim while he plays with israelian's right to build fakes and throw rubbish on muslims. He cooperates both with ADL and with italian neofascist (his politic background) I think (and many peolpe with me), his presence on Wikipedia is just a commercial of his own, and I have the evidences and the straight knowledge that most of it's written is not NPOV, but an absolute lie.

If you do not believe me, you can easily check the comments of dozens of people to his appearences in italy-indymedia thru this link

He's cheating you as he has done his whole life with everibody

Palazzi is NOT secretary-general of the Italian Muslim Assembly, imam at the Shafi School of Islamic Jurisprudence with a doctorate in Islamic sciences from the Institute for Islamic Studies and Research in Naples (by authorization of the former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia), and ijazzah (authorization to teach) both Koranic exegesis and Islamic law from the prestigious University of al-Azhar as-Sharif in Cairo.


[edit] Fraud?

According to this seemingly well-documented site [1], Palazzi is basically a fringe figure who grossly misrepresents himself to non-Italians.--Pharos 09:20, 20 February 2006 (UTC)

This is all obviously fake, Massimo Palazzi (his real name) never attended any university

according to Dacia Valent, ex in European Parliament, Abdul Palazzi has been charged on pedophilia and banned from enterig coranic schols. You're hosting himself and allowing him to go forward his career of frauds and abuses

In un commento al blog Salamelik (, Dacia Valent (che a differenza di Palazzi si firma con nome e cognome) ci rivela un particolare assai piccante:

"Traversi, Palazzi ha dormito nel mio ufficio per circa due settimane, prima che scoprissi i veri motivi per i quali la polizia era andato a prelevarlo a casa, su denuncia della moglie, corroborata anche da quella di altre madri.

Tutto posso ammettere, come soluzione ad un dilemma sociale, ma il vizio, soprattutto quando fa male ai più indifesi, no.

Francamente sono stanca di questo essere disgustoso, mi fa pena perché è molto malato (non parlo di tare mentali, anche se ne è pieno ma proprio di malattia fisica), e di solito i panni sporchi li lavo a casa.

Ma nel caso di questo sedicente musulmano - interdetto dalla frequentazione non solo di bambini nelle scuole coraniche, come stabilito da una circolare che para piuttosto chiaramente, ma anche dalla ferquentazione del proprio figlio, richiesta ed ottenta con sentenza del tribunale civile di Roma dalla ex moglie (che lui sostiene di aver denunciato) - tacere sarebbe un danno per altre persone.

Dacia Valent"

[edit] Convert?

Was Palazzi born Muslim or is he a native Italian who converted to Islam? ) If he was born Muslim, then what's his origin? 17:13, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

palzzi is not born muslim, nor he has nevere attended any universiti, there's no University in Velletri, for example, as his association has been denounced by muslim associations in Italy as non-existend, he's been forced by trail to dismiss the false statement he represents italian muslims —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).
Removing someone else's comments from Talk pages (as you did [2]) is diruptive. Don't do that.
On the topic, I have added a reference for the university. The rest of your "editing" is equally bad: "miserable social climber", "wowing at Bush's politics", "one of the funniest character of italian underground politics", "a horrible guy". Don't expect to be able to use WP as a platform for slander. ←Humus sapiens ну? 21:05, 28 April 2006 (UTC)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Two vicepresidents of Palazzi's AMI have been charged about fraud and easing prostitution and convicted in the scandal that has brought to prison also Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, son of the former Italian King. This wikipedia's voice is a mean of continuing the frauds formerly higlighted >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

[edit] Unitre in Velletri

The "University" in Velletri, that is linked as UniTre, is not the third roman statal university (Uniroma 3) and it is not a real university, but a private "club" whose activities consists in conferences and courses for aged people. It is a good and respected thing, but if you teach there you are not a university professor and you can't have as student a legal title as when you finisch a real university. Sorry for my english

[edit] Moved to talk

Many Israeli peace activists feel that, out of a desire to oppose the fanaticism of other Muslims, Shaykh Palazzi has "overcompensated" and came to embrace many positions of the Israeli extreme-right. - is there a reputable source for this? Thanks. ←Humus sapiens ну? 21:39, 28 June 2006 (UTC)