Abdelkebir Khatibi

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Abdelkebir Khatibi (b. 1938, El Jadida, Morocco) is a Moroccan literary critic, and novelist. He is a member of the young generation of the 1960s that challenged the social and political norms upon which the countries of the Maghrib were being built.

He pursued his sociology degree at the Sorbonne publishing his doctoral dissertation, Le Roman maghrébin (The Maghribian Novel) in 1968. His dissertation, a study of the novel, raised the question of how a novelist could avoid propagandizing in the context of a postrevolutionary society.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Bilan de la sociologie au Maroc (1968)
  • Études sociologiques sur le Maroc (1971)
  • La Mémoire tatouée (Tattooed Memory, 1971) ISBN 2-264-00220-4
  • La Blessure du nom propre (1974)
  • Le Livre du sang (The Book of Blood, 1979) Gallimard ISBN 2-07-028677-0
  • De la mille et troisième nuit (Of the Thousand and Third Night, 1980)
  • Amour bilingue (Love in Two Languages, 1983)
  • Triptyque de Rabat (Rabat Triptych, 1993)
  • Un été à Stockholm' (A summer in Stoclkholm 1992), Flamarion ISBN 2-08-066473-5
  • La Mort des artistes (The Death of the Artists, 1964)
  • Le Prophète voilé (The Veiled Prophet, 1979)

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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