Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi

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Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi the eminent Muslim scholar and sufi was born in Damascus in 1641 into a family of Islamic scholarship. His father, Isma`il Abd al-Ghani, was a jurist in the Hanafi school of fiqh and contributor to Arabic literature.

Abd al-Ghani showed diligence in the pursuit of Islamic knowledge and before the age of twenty he was both teaching and giving formal legal opinions (fatwa). He taught in the Umawi Mosque in Damascus and the Salihiyya Madrasa, his fame as an accomplished Islamic scholar spreading to all neighboring Islamic cities.

He died in 1731 at ninety years of age, having left behind hundreds of written works in virtually all the Islamic sciences.

[edit] His works

  1. Idâh al-Maqsud min wahdat al-wujud (Clarifying What is Meant by the Unity of Being)
  2. Sharh Diwan Ibn Farid (Commentary on Ibn Farid's Poem)
  3. Jam'u al-Asrâr fi man'a al-Ashrâr 'an at-Ta'n fi as-Sufiyah al-Akhyar (Collection of the secrets to prevent the evils castigate the pious Sufis)
  4. Shifa' al-Sadr fî Fada'il Laylat al-Nisfu Min Sha'bân wa Layllat al-Qadr (Curing the heart on the Vitues of the night of Nisfu Sha'ban and The Night of Qadr).
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