A Witch's Tail (Part 2)

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The Skeleton Demon Necron causes mischief in A Witch's Tail, Pt 2
The Skeleton Demon Necron causes mischief in A Witch's Tail, Pt 2


[edit] General information

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Transformed into a mermaid, Phoebe escapes into the sea to flee her emotionally draining life outside of magic. Fearing for the life of their sister, Paige seeks out Cole to aid her in returning to normal while Piper and Leo try to vanquish both the Sea Hag and the Skeleton Demon. But when Piper finds herself about to drown, she receives a boost of confidence from both a spell and her mother Patty.

[edit] Book of Shadows

[edit] Enemies

  • Sea Hag: The Sea Hag is a hag-like demon who can control water. She can trap her victims in columns of water, and has control over environment, allowing her to cause rainstorms, hurricanes, and even tidal waves. She is a trickster, for she usually tricks mermaids who have grown tired of the sea and their immortality by offering them legs, so they can enter the mortal world; but at a price. Should the mermaid fail to find true love with a mortal, the Sea Hag takes her immortality. The Sea Hag was vanquished by Phoebe using an Auger Shell.
  • Necron: A Skeletal Being who hovers between life and death, this demon has the power to incinerate any living creature to feed on its life force. These stolen life force sustain them through centuries of unlife, though they require an unending supply of living essence to keep them from decaying further. Necron's powers include sucking life force, conjuring crows, healing himself, and shooting lightning bolts. Use caution when vanquishing as they are likely to create a massive explosion in the process.

[edit] Allies

  • Mermaids: Immortal magical undersea creatures who have human forms from the waist up, and fish form from the waist down.

[edit] Spells

  • To Lose One's Fears: Locked in, boxed in. Full of fear, my panic grows manic, till I can’t hear. In need of reprieve, so that I can breathe, remove my fear. Please make it leave.
  • To Reveal Phoebe's Love for Cole: Open Phoebe’s heart to Cole. Reveal the secret that it holds. Bring forth the passion of love’s fire, that he may feel her true desire.
  • To Vanquish Necron: Tide of evil wash the shore, bring this darkness nevermore. Fell our strength, leave fight as fate. Make this evil obliterate.

[edit] Guest stars

[edit] Trivia

  • The episode title is a play on words to the film title A Knight's Tale.
  • Actress Alyssa Milano was the template used for the character Ariel in the Disney film The Little Mermaid, which this episode closely resembles also.
  • The scenes where Phoebe is swimming in the ocean were actually quite hard for actress Alyssa Milano to film because she has a fear of water.
  • Entertainment reporter Nancy O'Dell previously appeared in the episode Deja Vu All Over Again.
  • The vanquishing spell in this episode resembles the poem 'The Tide Rises and the Tide Falls' By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
  • Patty saves Piper from drowning in this episode, just as she saved Prue from drowning in the episode From Fear to Eternity. ironically drowning is how Patty died (though drowned from the inside), this could mean that Patty is able to prevent her daughters dying in this way.
  • Piper's unborn baby heals Piper from the womb, showing its magic for the first time.
  • Paige quits her job at South Bay Social Services.
  • Irish girl band, B*Witched's song, Blame It On The Weatherman plays at the end of this episode.

[edit] International titles

  • French: Les sirènes de l'amour - 2ème partie
  • German: Der Ruf des Meeres, Teil 2 (The call of the ocean, Part 2)
  • Spanish: La cola de una bruja 2 parte

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
A Witch's Tail, Pt 1
Charmed episodes Followed by:
Happily Ever After
Main: Season summaries | Episode guide | Multimedia | Terms | Trivia
Locations and Artifacts: Bay Area | Halliwell Manor | Magic School | The Nexus | Book of Shadows
Good beings: Charmed Ones | Close friends | Ancestors | Family and friends | Whitelighters | Elders
Evil beings: Darklighters | Warlocks
Neutral: Avatars | The Hollow | Firestarters