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aman AMAN A.M.A.N a.m.a.n web-site: [1] is a TV show aired by ANT1 in Greece.

The satiric TV show AMAN (the full name is AMAN, THE BASTARDS) is the natural continuation of another TV show called "COMFUZIO" that was aired by Ert3 (the third Greek public television).

AMAN began in May 1997 at MEGA channel but only 9 episodes were aired. Since October 1997 and up until today, the show is broadcasted by ANT1 television (antenna).

The hosts are: Antonis Kanakis (Αντώνηs Κανάκηs), Sotiris Kalivatsis (Σωτήρηs Καλυβάτσηs) and Giannis Servettas (Γιάννηs Σερβέταs) but many other people make occasional appearances on the show.

The initials A.M.A.N were never intended to mean anything, but when the show was first broadcasted, the viewing audience spontaneously interpreted the initials as standing for Antoni Mas Afises Noris (Αντώνη μας άφησες νωρίς) literally meaning : Anthony, you left us too soon.

According to common belief, this would supposedly had been done by the AMAN team in homage to another Antonis, Antonis Pararas, who was a co-founder of COMFUZIO, and suddenly died of a disease called leucemia at an early age. (Antonis Pararas was also part of the A.M.A.N project and had he not died, he would certainly have continued with the rest of the team)

But as the AMAN team has at multiple occasions clarified this was never the case.

However, the AMAN team has often said that they were very touched when they first realised how the public had interpreted the A.M.A.N initials, they precisely stated:

"When the show was first aired in 1997, the TV audience rapidly and spontaneously interpreted the initials A.M.A.N as standing for 'Antonis, you left us to soon'. It is difficult for us to describe how we felt when we saw that happening, although Antonis never really left us..."

The AMAN team has also stated:

"The show, ever since its first episode, is entirely dedicated to Antonis"

Nonetheless, the majority of the public is unaware of that and still thinks that the initials are dedicated to Antonis Pararas.

The shows main topics are:

-European and Greek political and cultural actuality

-International actuality

-Other miscellaneous topics

The show tends to criticize a lot by using mainly satire. Often, the show's hosts are very harsh with the personalities they satirise, or are very brutal while treating subtle matters, however they do it with such a talent that the outcome is always marvellous, and receives the general approbation from the huge majority of the Greek public.

Moreover, as they satire is always well intended, even the political personalities (or celebrities) they have satirized the most, have on repeated occasions stated, when asked upon, that they were fans of the show and they actually encouraged the AMAN trio to continue the "good job".

[edit] See also

Web site of A.M.A.N. [2]