A2 (Romania)

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The A2 motorway, nicknamed The Sun's Motorway (Autostrada Soarelui in Romanian) is a motorway currently under construction in Romania and will, upon completion, link Bucharest with Constanţa, a city-port at the Black Sea shore. As of December 2006, two segments (116 km in total) of the motorway's total 225 km length are finished and operational Bucharest - Drajna (98 km) and Feteşti - Cernavodă (18 km). The first carriageway of the segment Drajna - Feteşti was also temporarily open between July and October 2006 for the summer season; it has been closed afterwards in order to speed up the construction works.

Map of South East Romania highlighting the A2 freeway.
Map of South East Romania highlighting the A2 freeway.
A2 freeway
A2 freeway


[edit] History

The construction of the A2 motorway between Bucharest and Constanţa began in the communist era during Nicolae Ceauşescu's regime. The first section Feteşti - Cernavodă (about 18 km) opened in 1987. This section includes the complex system of motorway and railway bridges and viaducts over the Danube and one of its branches at Cernavodă. The motorway bridge passes under the historical railway bridge built by Anghel Saligny in 1896, while the new railway in use today separates the motorway's roadways.

After the fall of the communism in 1989 the construction continued for a short period, but it was finally stopped in 1993 due to lack of financial resources. The construction continued after 1998 and the highway is to be completed by 2009.

[edit] Recent years

  • In May 2006 the 18 km segment Feteşti - Cernavodă opened for traffic, after major rehabilitation works.
  • The Drajna - Feteşti section is expected to be fully operational in June 2007, before the traffic peak due to the summer season.

The total distance between Bucharest and Constanţa on the A2 highway will be about 225 km.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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