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[edit] When the IDF spokesman's lips are moving...

[edit] Rocket launchers in Qana video #1

Lets be clear; the IDF video of rockets being fired that they released after Qana showed 2 things:

  • a rocket launcher outside and to the SW of a town the IDF identified as Qana. Thats right, even in their own video they dont show the laucher inside the town.
  • the video then showed footage of what the IDF claimed were rocket launchers parking up inside buildings in an unidentified town. Thats it.
  • Note* the video did not say that the town where the vehicles were parking was Qana- it just left that to the imagination. You can bet your ass they would've said it if it were the case. It is an old trick. The JPost may say thats what the video shows but watch it for yourself and look see if the area where the trucks are parking up is identified.
The town is identifiable? In what way? IDF dont identify the area that launchers park into as Qana. Here is a satellite view of Qana from google maps [1]
Here is image IDF had Image:Qana04.jpg
compare to orientated googlemaps view of town and area [2]
After showing the rockets being launched the IDF video breaks the sequence then goes on to show vehicles which it identifies as launchers parking inside buildings. The area the buildings are in is not identified and the IDF do not subtitle the sequence showing parking with "Civilian buildings in Qana" (because they have no footage of launchers being parked in Qana).
It is left to the imagination of the viewer to make a connection between the images of rockets firing outside Qana and the following sequence even though no connection exists. Its a propaganda trick. 17:00, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
Now compare with what Dan Gillerman, Israeli ambassador to the UN said on 30 July: "We will make available to the Security Council a film that shows Hizbullah launching a rocket from right behind a three-storey house: a civilian residence very similar to the one that was hit today in Kafr Qana."[3] The same linguistic slight of hand- he doesnt say that he has video of a rocket being fired from within Qana, only from behind a building very similar to the one destroyed in Qana.
These people are trained diplomats, spokespeople, intelligence officers. It is their job to leave little traps like this which the reader, viwer and listener fill in with their own imagination. This means they get the wrong impression or add 2 + 2 to make 5. The same slight of hand has appeared in this article. 17:56, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Rocket launchers in Qana video #2

Changed this section to "August 6th attack" and also re-edited the wording. CNN did report that the rocket launcher was in the "town of Qana" but if you check the IDF video they released its clearly away from any structure in an area of foliage. Just thought it was worth clarifying. 14:49, 9 August 2006 (UTC)

Check the video, its cited in the article and heres a direct link. Its very clearly not near buildings. If you check the map of Qana [4] its a pretty thin strip of buildings in some kind of agricultural area. The roads/buildings show up in different colors in the first video, and you will notice the color of the foliage is blackish compared to the road which has a heat signature. Heres some images of the position of the launcher they showed in the 2nd video: A B C.
Similar story with the original Qana video the IDF released- they said it was in Qana, JPost etc reported it as such but it was actually a good distance SW. Check the distance away as showing on on the satellite map [5] and compare to the image from the IDF video in topics above this one.
Either way its nowhere near the strip of buildings running northwest to southeast that is Qana and thats not a point made via WP:OR either, no buildings anywhere near it, if there were you could say- "its in Qana". 19:06, 9 August 2006 (UTC)
The Hebrew in the video means nothing to me but the english text says that the area the 3 rocket launcher were firing from was "Between Qana and Zidkin" "Zidkin" like "kfar Kana" must be an israeli spelling of the towns name in Lebanese, shown on this map as "Zibqin".
Map of South Lebanon showing location of Qana
Map of South Lebanon showing location of Qana
Notice 2 things from the map
  1. Qana is in direct line of sight with Zidqin, no other towns marked between the two.
  2. Zidqin is a significant distance southwest of Qana. Compare the area "between" those 2 places on googlemaps, its miles: Qana & Zibqin.
Thats a pretty big area in "between" there that the IDF are saying the rockets were fired from. Add to that the complete lack of buildings shown in the video, the foliage around the launchers (indicated by blackish heat sig), and the lack of specifics in the "IDF interpretation" of where the launchers were placed? id say im pretty convinced those rockets werent fired anywhere near Qana only somewhere between it and Zibqin as the IDF stated in their video. 20:45, 9 August 2006 (UTC)
Updated the article to describe what the IDF described in their video- "Between Qana and Zidkin" (an unihabited area between the two towns according to the map). 21:01, 9 August 2006 (UTC)

Please note that the grid references on this map appear to be incorrect. See: and Google Earth for clarification. If this is a UN map, no wonder they are incapable of policing the area, their maps are wrong! For instance, Tyre is at: 33˚ 16' 16.10"N 35˚ 13' 06.93E. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs).