7th New York Militia

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The New York Seventh in Washington, D.C., 1861.
The New York Seventh in Washington, D.C., 1861.

The 7th Regiment of the New York Militia was an infantry regiment in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

The 7th Militia was a pre-war militia unit that was activated for the Civil War. After organizing and brief training, the regiment left New York City for Washington, D.C., on special call of President Lincoln on April 19, 1861, arriving in Annapolis Junction, Maryland, and opening communications with Washington April 2425.

The regiment was housed in the Capitol Buildings at Washington from April 25May 2, and was mustered into Federal service on April 26, serving duty at Camp Cameron, Meridian Hill, from May 223. After occupation of Arlington Heights, Virginia, May 2426, it assisted in building Fort Runyon and was mustered out at New York City on June 3, 1861.

The regiment was again mustered in for three months' service on May 25, 1862. It left New York City for Baltimore, Maryland, on May 26, and then was attached to Dix's Command, Middle Department, to July 1862. Then, it was assigned to the 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to September 1862. It was in camp at Stewart's Hill, Baltimore, from May 28 to June 5, and duty at Fort Federal Hill from June 6 to August 28. The regiment mustered out in New York City on September 5, 1862.

Once again, the regiment was mustered in, this time for thirty days' service starting June 16, 1863, and departed for Baltimore on June 17. It was ttached to Morris' Brigade, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to July 7, and then to the 3rd Division, 3rd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July 15. It was on duty at Fort Federal Hill and provost duty in Baltimore from June 18 to July 5 before being ordered to Frederick, Maryland, on July 5, and picket and outpost duty there until July 14. It reached New York City on July 16. The 7th was on duty during the New York Draft Riots from July 1621.

The regiment mustered out for good on July 21, 1863.