6 meters

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6 meters is a popular amateur radio band. 6 meters is found in the lower part of the VHF band, but still occasionally displays some propagation mechanisms of the lower High Frequency bands. This odd mix of VHF and HF charactaristics led to 6 meters being dubbed the "magic band."

The frequency allocations for 6 meters are not universal worldwide. In the United States, it ranges from 50 to 54 MHz. But, in other countries, it is illegal to use due to local military communications. Further, in some nations, the frequency range occupied by the six-meter amateur radio band is used for television transmissions, although most countries have moved the channels to higher frequencies (see channel 1).

Over the past decade or so, the availability of transceivers that include the six-meter band has increased greatly. Most modern HF amateur radios now include the six-meter band, as do some handheld VHF/UHF transceivers. There have existed and do exist a number of stand-alone 6 Meter transceivers, although these have been relatively rare in recent years. Despite this, 6 meters does not share the popularity of amateur radio's 2 meters band. This is due, in large part, to the larger size of 6 meter antennas, power limitations in some countries outside the United States, and 6 meter's greater susceptibility to local electrical interference.

As transceivers have become more available for the magic band, 6 meters has been gaining popularity quickly. In many countries, including the United States, access to 6 meters is granted to even entry-level license holders. Those without access to the international "HF" or shortwave frequencies get their first taste of true long-distance communications on the 6 meter band, when conditions are available. Many of these operators develop a real affection for the challenge of the band, and often continue to devote much time to 6 meters, even when they gain access to the HF frequencies upon upgrading licensure.

Although the International Telecommunications Union does not allocate frequencies to amateurs in Europe, due to the decline of VHF television broadcasts and commercial pressure on the lower VHF spectrum, most European countries have a 6 meter amateur allocation. A list showing the status of amateur radio allocation in the countries of ITU Region 1.

In United Kingdom, it is legal to use 6 meters between frequencies 50 to 52 MHz, with some limitations at some frequencies. In UK, 50 to 51 MHz is primary usage and the rest is secondary with power limitations. The detailed band plan for UK can be obtained from RSGB Band plan documentation (PDF).

Many organizations promote regular competitions in this frequency to promote its use and to familiarize operators to its quirks. For example RSGB VHF Contest Committee has la number of contests on 6 meters every year.

Because of its peculiarity, there are a number of 6 meters operator groups. These people monitor the status of the band between different paths and promote 6 meter operations.


[edit] Organizations

[edit] Band plans

[edit] IARU Region 1 50 MHz Band Plan

(with the UKSMG's recommended change to the adoption of the term
"inter-regional" rather than "inter-continental")

50.000 - 50.100   

CW only   

50.020 - 50.080   





 CW calling frequency

50.100 - 50.500   

SSB and CW only   

50.100 - 50.130   

 DX window




 Inter-Region calling frequency




 SSB centre of activity




 Cross-band activity centre




 MS reference frequency (CW and SSB)

50.500 - 51.000   

All modes   

50.500 - 50.700   

 Digital communications















50.710 - 50.910   

 FM repeater outputs (UK)

51.000 - 51.410   

All modes   


 Emergency communications priority



51.210 - 51.410   

 FM repeater inputs (UK)

51.410 - 51.830   

All modes   

51.430 - 51.590   

 FM, 20 kHz channel spacing




 FM calling

51.830 - 52.000   

All modes   

51.940 - 52.000   

 Emergency communications priority

(Source: VOLUNTARY OPERATING CODE OF PRACTICE for 6m operators UKSMG 16 February 2003)

[edit] US/North American 6m Band Plan

50.0-50.1 CW, beacons
50.060-50.080 beacon subband (US only)
50.1-50.3 SSB, CW
50.1-50.125 DX window; 50.125 calling freq
50.125 US continental SSB calling
50.3-50.6 All modes (50.29 PSK31)
50.4 AM calling
50.6-50.8 various modes communications
50.8-50.98 Radio remote control (Ten 20 kHz channels)
51.0-51.1 Pacific DX window
51.1-54.0 Repeaters/various plans (-1 MHz and -1.7 MHz most popular)
52.525 Primary FM simplex
53.1-53.8/100 kHz spaced Old radio remote control, NO LONGER accepted

by the AMA, due to increasing use by amateur radio repeater stations.

(Source: Academy of Model Aeronautics, Western Washington Amateur Radio Assocation, ARRL ARRL Band Plans)

[edit] IARU Region 3 Band Plan

The Band Plan for IARU Region 3 may be found in their Band Plan Document

[edit] Common uses of 6 meters

Very high frequency (VHF) and Ultra high frequency (UHF) Amateur radio bands

6 m 4 m 2 m 1.25 m 70 cm 33 cm 23 cm 13 cm
50 MHz 70 MHz 144 MHz 219-220 MHz 420 MHz 902 MHz 1.24 GHz 2.3-2.31 GHz
54 MHz 70.5 MHz 148 MHz 222-225 MHz 450 MHz 928 MHz 1.3 GHz 2.39-2.45 GHz

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