
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ryver Wolf ---A Simple Person, or at least I try to be. No, sorry folks, I won't be too specific about the nature of myself, but I will tell you this much, I am a former Wiccan, former Christian, and former God-hater(funny that that last one doesn't really fit in with the other two. :). I live in the great United States of America, and love it. I'm not particularly patriotic, but I do enjoy many elements about American Government, such as the strive for equality for "all men" and women, the currently fully undeveloped policy in every sector of our nation of seperation between Church and State, the strive for religious freedom, and paved roads. Sure not all roads are paved, but I love the ones that are.

My hobbies, well, You'd have to meet me in person I guess, to know alot about me. I am usually pretty friendly, and I believe in this mantra "All men are friends. If all men are friends, who is my enemy?" It's a tough one to follow. Of course being a friend, doesn't mean to let him or her break the law and not report it to the police. That would be the exact opposite of what a true friend would do. A true friend would realize that their buddy needs help, and should face the consequence of whatever they have done. Anyway, gotta go now.
