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In today's Prickly City (today is November 15, 2006), Winslow makes a crack about orphans from third world countries being celebrity fashion accessories. Now I realize that whenever people find themselves the subject of comedy, they are offended. And as an adoptive mother of a child from Ethiopia, I am offended. But if that was the end of the story, I wouldn't be writing.

Here's the problem: Through Winslow's comments, Stantis is questioning the motives of the adoptive parents. Now, nobody is going to confuse me, personally, with someone who would adopt for reasons of fashion, but there are many people who might want to adopt but would be afraid of living with this covert accusation. Adopting -- especially transracially -- is a difficult decision for people to make, and part of the thought process revolves around what others will think and how others will react.

In Ethiopia alone, there are one million orphans, and half of those children will die due to malnutrition or disease. These are not throw-away children, believe me. Our daughter, who is six and has just been home for one year, is unbelievably precious. She is super smart, sweet, full of fun and energy, she loves her family and she loves life.

Please don't make it harder for people to make the decision to adopt from Africa by questioning their motives. These children need families. If you personally believe that celebrities are adopting for publicity, don't pay any attention to them. You are not helping anyone be questioning their motives, and by extension, the motives of other parents who might be vulnerable to the same charge.