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Don't troll, Inanna. --Latinus (talk (el:)) 22:26, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

I see you're still trolling and making personal attacks. --Latinus (talk (el:)) 22:36, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

I have left you a message at User talk:-Inanna-. Read it when you have time. Thanks. --Latinus (talk (el:)) 22:55, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

I'm not sure what your rantings are about, but since I see you have not made a single edit to Wikipedia except on people's talk pages, I can only assume you're trolling or a sockpuppet. --Delirium 22:58, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

If you actually read what I wrote you would see. I think it is plain to see.

Suggesting that articles that show the Greeks are murderers to and that you are hiding behind your Wikipedia username to promote Greek nationalism and attack Turkish-related pages in subtle ways.

This is not rolling or spamiing - I am raising these issues with everyone I believe is doing this. 23:08, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

Wow... "The voice of reason"! I'm flattered! Take a look here by the way... Even this one would be cool! --Michalis Famelis 23:42, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
That's kind of better. If you could just hit the Caps Lock button once more... Would you please try and have a look at those links I pointed you before? -- Michalis Famelis 23:54, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
Oh, by the way, posting stuff on the talk pages of the people you accuse is not doing any good in making your point heard. Try the Administrators' notice board or even try asking for Arbitration. And who knows, maybe you'll get the answer that suits your ugly behaviour. -- Michalis Famelis 23:59, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

Oh now it my UGLY BEHAVIOUR is it? How aboiut what you have all been trying to do in here? Showing your TRUE FACE now? 00:01, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Will you stop it. If you have a problem, see WP:DR and stop trolling and spamming other's talk pages. --Latinus (talk (el:)) 00:02, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
Yes. Ugly behaviour. Personal attacks ARE ugly behaviour and wikipedia has a policy of not tolerating them. And could you please explain, what have I been trying to do in here and what is my (obviously hidden) true face? -- Michalis Famelis 00:05, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

I WILL STOP IT WHEN YOU STOP IT. BULGARIANS ARE FACING UP TO IT AND YOU WILL HAVE TO ALSO - for the genocides committed and for the LIES you are spreading in the name of writing articles. 00:07, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Face up to what I wonder? But still, you don't seem to have read neither this nor this. Won't you give them a try? -- Michalis Famelis 00:11, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

The Istanbul Pogrom is lies dressed with the truth. And all the tinkerings you have all been doing on Ottoman pages and the rest. FACE UP TO THAT. You should all be held accountable. Beware Greeks bearing articles. 00:41, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

What about the Pontian Greek Genocide by the Turks or the Armenian Genocide commited by yours truly as well (Turks). They don't count though? Huh? Why doesn't Turkey recognise them? --Latinus (talk (el:)) 00:45, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
Nah! Talking about the "who did what to whom" with an anonymous IP does not seem fitting. In the other hand the IP fails to provide any evidence of why the Istanbul Porgom article is lies, or what "tinkerings" "we" (the Cabal) have been doing on Ottoman pages... Also, it is indeed hard not to understand the "be held accountable" part as a personal attack, a legal threat, or even a personal threat... Beware of Trolls bearing IP adresses... --Michalis Famelis 01:05, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

It's easy to talk when people get BLOCKED isn't it? So it seems as though you hve won. WELL THIS VOICE WILL NOT BE SILENCED> LATINUs has shown his true face - tit for tat is it? So you can compare innocent people like Turks in Macedonia being forced to have their religion and names changed and then killed simply because they were Turkish and uprisings that were however barbarically (see the age of Empires and how they handled uprisings) handled by the Ottoman Empire. How an Empire with no modern notion of nationlism can be accused of killing people because of them coming from acertian race is absurd. They were regional halts in uprisings - what happened to Turks happened because of their race. The orthodox Church and Greeks have an internal hatred of Catholics and Jews also - and Greece is very prohbitive of the practise of any religion part from its own Orthodxy very easily and has been taken to teh ECHR on this point many times - see freedom of religion. This is the basis of your hatred and genocide of the Turks. See the difference latinus? 01:22, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

No, I don't. In fact, I am Catholic (hence my username) and I don't find Greece prohibitive towards the practice of my religion. You are babbling again. If this is about the Istanbul Pogrom (against the poor Greeks), then how do you explain its high Google search results? --Latinus (talk (el:)) 01:27, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

I am afraid I am not. It is well docmented even in Cyprus where the Catholics destroyed Orthodox churches - you are the one babbling and it doesnt change a thing. You can lie just to porve a point - make sno difference you GREEK. 01:30, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

I don't know if it is easy to talk when people get blocked, but I do know that trollish behavior easily gets people blocked... -- Michalis Famelis 01:30, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Read the report of Greece for 2002 on Religious Freedom [1]

  • 1999 ECHR Greece lost [2]
  • Amnesty report on ANOTHER case of Greek prohibition of freedom of religion[3] 01:42, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
Now, this is something you could go ahead and contribute to the relative article. If you think that this is not told on Wikipedia, go on and add it. But bear in mind WP:AGF, WP:NPA, because if you do not abide to official policies of Wikipedia, you end up blocked. And please please please read WP:TINC!!!! --Michalis Famelis 01:44, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

2002, that;s Ancient History. Now it's 2006. Things have changed a lot. --Latinus (talk (el:)) 01:44, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Yeah yeah not AT ALL and I am complining more to PROVE YOU WRONG LATINUS AND YOUR LIES - and if Michalis YOU ARE SUCH AN ENLIGTENED GREEK WHY HAVENT YOU DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT? 01:47, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

OK when you find a conviction dating to 2006, let me know ;-) The state of Human Rights is much worse in Turkey than in Greece. --Latinus (talk (el:)) 01:55, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

The argument that Turkey is worse so that proves what - you are right? You can't compare Turkey and Greece? greece has been cushioned by the EU for how many years and it is still abusing human rights. It has also been protected by various European countries, its economy helped along - Europe has been dragging Greece by its tail. You're last words just proves what I am saying - thanks.

Greece in 2004: In a news-analysis entitled "Red Card from Amnesty International to Greece" published in Ta Nea newspaper in 26 May 2005 and written by Nikoleta Mutusi, it is said that:

"According to the report of Amnesty International in 2004, the real sufferings are waited for immigrants and asylum-seekers in Greece, which has rejected to take refuge for and deported foreign nationals who came even from warn-torn regions, violating all laws concerning human rights.

In the report, Amnesty International suspected that some security measures constitute human rights violations during the 2004 Olympic Games and mentioned about forced evictions of Roma families from sites linked to the Olympics.

It is not first time that Amnesty International accused Greece for this kind of human rights. The issues about hundreds of children, the majority from Albania, who had gone missing between 1998 and 2002 from the state-run children home in Athens and who sold trinkets or beg in traffic, are such kind of human rights violations. Amnesty International has repeatedly said in its reports that little or no effort was made by the Greek authorities to find the children for that time.

And for 2006 - it is still only Feb - give Greece a chance. 02:03, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

"Enlightened"? I'm flattered once again... But I'm not enlightened. I'm a leftist. And I can see oppression weather it is in Greece, in Turkey or East Timor. And yes, those human rights violations mentioned by the Amnesty International most certainly are true. And I do something about it, along with others, not on Wikipedia, but in the real world, where it matters. And as a leftist I really don't like fascism and chauvinism, be it in Greece or Turkey. And the Istanbul Pogrom was a fascist ochlocratic act, that's why it matters to me. And another thing that bothers me even more is that today in Turkey my comrades are jailed, beaten, tortured, persecuted, watched by the MIT, like my Greek comrades suffered until 1975... What do you say about that? --Michalis Famelis 02:13, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

When I called you enlightened I was being ironic. Secondly I say to you, you don't care for the TRUTH. You see I care for the truth - and that Istanbul Pogrom article is not the truth - it is written like much of Greek history is - biased and POV. And to the accusations you made - prove it. Get Amnesty to come and review it. For every "friend" you have - I have Greek friends that left for Athens were ridiculed for their accent and Turkish ways and stuck in limbo and believed to be to be traitors followed by the GREEK secret service. It works both ways. You don't go for the yourself say that the plight of NON-GREEK immgrants do not interest you. Says it all really. 02:19, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Again, if you can back your claims with reliable sources that the Istanbul Pogrom article is biased, POV, etc, provide them in a mild manner, without accusing fellow wikipedians of conspiring against you, without personal attacks, without trolling and in good faith towards other wikipedians at the apropriate article and/or talk page. Why don't you do that???? Why do you not do that????? Apart from that, how dare you deny the oppression of leftists and communists in present day Turkey??? There exist political prisoners in Turkey!! Do you know what a political prisoner is?? A person persecuted not for their actions, but for their ideas. You want linkz?? Here: Amnesty International on repression at the jails. And Revolutionary Worker Online for a leftist perspective of the same matter. And whence did you understand that the Greek Left does not care for the fate of immigrants in Greece?? We have marched in anti-racist rallies, we have blocked refugee "permanent prisons", we have protested outside Police stations, and you say we don't care about our immigrants?? But it seems you are so consumed in your chauvinistic black-white view of the issue that you plainly just cannot understand what internationalism means... --Michalis Famelis 02:36, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

I will tell you why I don't change the article. BECAUSE I HAVE LOST FAITH IN WIKIPEDIA. I see it as just a playpen for Greek nationalists with a secret agenda...I am sorry but there it is. I did try and change it once - check teh archives - I omitted all I believed to be POV ready to verify them before I put them back again and immediately I got a a blank wall - and was told there would be no discussion. I will accept Damac tried to put a "open air" of conversation but that obviously fell flat.

Did you actually read what I wrote? I didnt say there were NO political porisoners. Of course there are - but there those in GREECE too - that is what I said - and the sources you give do not prove or back up what you say - have you read some of them? And yes I stand by what I said - you last but one comments said you obviously do not care ennough to stat ein Wikipedia and let other people just like to perpetuate lies. 02:46, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

You seem to have missed my first sentence. Let me expand and write it again, in bold this time. It will be constuctive if you can back your claims with reliable sources that the Istanbul Pogrom article is biased, POV, etc, provide them in a mild manner and certainly without without accusing fellow wikipedians of conspiring against you/or otherwise, without personal attacks, without trolling and in good faith towards other wikipedians at the apropriate article and/or talk page. Do that, in that cool manner and I'll support your edits. There have been NPOV disputes in the past. And the above was the way to overcome them. If you want to overlook all this in the name of a ridiculous witch-hunt of a greek nationatlist cabal, then that is your fucking problem. If you have lost faith in Wikipedia, that is your fucking problem, deal with it.
As for the latter part, I will not continue arguing with you. I just don't care what you think of me. You don't know me, my political views or my political actions, but you keep accusing me. I simply don't have time for this. --Michalis Famelis 03:01, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

I have dealt with and I am dealing with it. I am rooting all you out. And I don't need to do anything - it looks like someone else is on the case. I watch with interest. And Michalis don't swear - it just doesn't become you. Leave the macho stuff to me.

The KING has left the building. 03:04, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Bah! I rest my case... --Michalis Famelis 03:07, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

awaaaawwww whadsdamatter lickle fancy me or something? Bah! Who in patriach hell uses bah! these days? Is Bah! still a word? What century are you from? And go rest your head in a gas oven. 03:13, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Vandalism

Please stop. If you continue to vandalize pages, you will be blocked from editing Wikipedia. SWD316 talk to me 00:46, 9 February 2006 (UTC)