324 BC

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Centuries: 5th century BC - 4th century BC - 3rd century BC
Decades: 350s BC  340s BC  330s BC - 320s BC - 310s BC  300s BC  290s BC 
Years: 327 BC 326 BC 325 BC - 324 BC - 323 BC 322 BC 321 BC
324 BC by topic
State leaders - Sovereign states
Birth and death categories
Births - Deaths
Establishments and disestablishments categories
Establishments - Disestablishments
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324 BC in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 324 BC
Ab urbe condita 430
Armenian calendar N/A
Bahá'í calendar -2167 – -2166
Buddhist calendar 221
Chinese calendar 2313/2373
([[Sexagenary cycle|]]年)
— to —
([[Sexagenary cycle|]]年)
Ethiopian calendar -331 – -330
Hebrew calendar 3437 – 3438
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat -268 – -267
 - Shaka Samvat N/A
 - Kali Yuga 2778 – 2779
Holocene calendar 9677
Iranian calendar 945 BP – 944 BP
Islamic calendar 974 BH – 973 BH
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 337
 - Jōmon Era 9677
Julian calendar -278
Korean calendar 2010
Thai solar calendar 220
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[edit] Events

[edit] By place

[edit] Macedonian Empire

  • On returning to Susa, Persia, Alexander the Great punishes those who he considers to have failed in their duties in his absence in India, particularly those who have plundered tombs and temples. Alexander continues his policy of replacing senior officials and executing defaulting governors. Over a third of his satraps are replaced and six are put to death. Three generals in Media, including Cleander, the brother of Coenus (who has died in 326 BC), are accused of extortion and are arrested, tried and executed.
  • While at Susa, Alexander holds a feast to celebrate his capture of the Persian Empire.
  • To further his policy of integrating the Macedonians and Persians, Alexander and 80 of his officers take Persian wives. He and Hephaestion marry Darius III's daughters Barsine (also called Stateira) and Drypteis, respectively, and 10,000 of his soldiers with native wives are given generous dowries. His determination to incorporate Persians on equal terms into his army and into the administration of the provinces is bitterly resented by the Macedonians.
  • Alexander the Great spends the summer and autumn at the Median capital, Ecbatana, where his best friend, Hephaistion, dies during the autumn. Alexander indulges in extravagant mourning for his closest friend.
  • Winter - Alexander carries out a savage punitive expedition against the Cossaeans in the hills of Luristan.

[edit] Greece

  • Alexander the Great's treasurer, Harpalus, fearing arrest, flees from Susa to Athens. On arriving in Athens, he is imprisoned by the Athenians after a proposal of Demosthenes and Phocion, despite Hypereides' opposition, who wanted an immediate uprising against Alexander. Harpalus brings with him considerable wealth collected from the spoils of Alexander's conquest of Asia. This money is entrusted to a committee led by Demosthenes.
  • Dinarchus, a professional speech writer in Athens, comes to prominence in the scandal that follows the flight to Athens of Alexander the Great's treasurer, Harpalus. When Harpalus escapes and flees to Crete, Dinarchus writes the prosecution speeches against Demosthenes, Demades, Aristogiton, Philocles and other well-known politicians accused of misappropriating some of this money.
  • Demosthenes is convicted and imprisoned after being found guilty of misappropriating some of the funds that Alexander's treasurer, Harpalus, has brought with him. He escapes into exile, although his sentence is soon repealed. Although Hypereides has supported Demosthenes in his struggle against the Macedonians, that support is withdrawn after the Harpalus affair. After Demosthenes' exile, Hypereides becomes the head of the patriotic party in Athens.

[edit] Births

[edit] Deaths

  • Hephaestion, son of Amyntor, a Macedonian general, soldier, aristocrat, and possibly lover of Alexander the Great (b. c. 356 BC).

[edit] References

  • Wikipedia articles that link to this article.