30th World Science Fiction Convention

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The 30th World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) was L.A.con I, which was held in Anaheim, USA between 1st and 4th of September, 1972. The venue for 30th Worldcon was the International Hotel. The organising committee was co-chaired by Charles Crayne and Bruce Pelz.

The convention had 2007 members, breaking the previous record of 1600 set only one year earlier. The record was broken again a year later.


[edit] Programme and events

[edit] Guests of Honour

The guests of honour were:

[edit] Worldcon Site Selection

The 33rd World Science Fiction Convention was awarded to Aussiecon I in Melbourne, Australia. This was the first time a Worldcon was awarded to a site outside North America or Europe.

[edit] Hugo Awards

  • Special Award: Harlan Ellison for excellence in anthologizing
  • Special Award: Club du Livre d'Anticipation (France) for excellence in book production
  • Special Award: Nueva Dimension (Spain) for excellence in magazine production

[edit] See also

Preceded by
29th World Science Fiction Convention
Noreascon I in Boston, USA (1971)
List of Worldcons
30th World Science Fiction Convention
L.A.con I in Anaheim, USA (1972)
Succeeded by
31st World Science Fiction Convention
Torcon II in Toronto, Canada (1973)