Talk:'t kofschip

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Any native Dutch person can be used as a source here, because everyone learns this mnemonic in school. There are only some Dutch sites that talk about it, for instance and (about more specific difficult words)

This is considered common knowledge in Belgium and the Netherlands!!


[edit] neeën?

i have never geneed by my knowledge. what is neeën? "nee" means "no", but iv never came across it as a verb--Lygophile 11:00, 10 November 2006 (UTC)

seriously, can someone cite that, i dont believe "geneed" is a word. neeen is not a verb by my knowledge.--Lygophile 07:22, 14 December 2006 (UTC) ah screw it, i removed it, the "e" ending doesnt even count on this one--Lygophile 07:24, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

i think that entire rule only counts for loanwords anyway--Lygophile 07:40, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Added the verb sleeën, which is definitly not a loanword Bombshell 17:56, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Soft Ketchup

In dutch classes in Belgium, foreign students are taught to use "Soft Ketchup", which contains the same consonants...

ow, yeah it does. funny to know. should have a mention in the article--Lygophile 07:07, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Gedeletet?

I think the verb delete is an exception to the rule. I have never heard Dutch speaking person use 'deletete' or 'gedeletet'. I'm quite sure that everybody says "ik delete" (past tense) and "de file is gedelete". Can anybody check het groene boekje if these words even exist? Either way, I think there are better examples. risk 22:07, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

i was curious about the same thing, but i found somewhere on the internet a site with all sorts of examples of "vervoegde" english loanwords in dutch and you spell it as 'deletete', but you pronounce it as 'deletuh'. the thing is here that the english 'ete' is pronounced as 'eet', so with a silent second 'e', and in dutch past tence we add 'te' to the 'ete' thus creating 'etete' pronounced with a silent 'e' in the middle, resulting in the auditive merging of both 't's.--Lygophile 00:00, 14 January 2007 (UTC)

The correct spelling is gedeletet, even though the final t is not pronounced. Känsterle 17:03, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] het kofschip?

I wonder why it is 't kofschip and not het kofschip, since the h is in 't kofschip and the doesn't matter any more since a word needs vowels and o and i are allready in 't kofschip. Furthermore if you would write het kofschip, you loose the stupid apostrophe.

Bombshell 20:53, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

but then you needlessly use a redundant consonant. this way you display the seven consonants as seven consonants. (allthough that no longer works since "x")· Lygophile has spoken 18:53, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] ramsjen ?

On the Dutch wikipedia ( I read about the verb ramsjen? I'm a Belgian but I wouldn't know what it means. The strange thing is that the verb root ends on a j, but the simple past ought to be ik ramsjte. As soon as I find out what it means, I'll put this stange creature in the text. Govert Miereveld 16:44, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

ramsjen means to sell something very cheap to get rid of it (if I got it right)

I added the "exceptions" petanquen and ramsjen. I think there only exists one verb with a root on q (petanquen) en one with a root on j (ramsjen).

Govert Miereveld 17:06, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] "e" rule is flawed

There are (at least) two exceptions two these rules:
petanquen (to play petanque): verb root = petanque; but past simple: ik petanquete, past participle gepetanquet
This is due to the fact that, in Dutch, a q is allways followed by a u, if this were not the case, the verb would be petanqen (root petanq), since q en k are pronounced the same petanqen would follow the t kofschip rule
petanquen is the only Dutch verb with a root on q
ramsjen (to sell something very cheap to get rid of it): verb root = ramsj; but past simple: ik ramsjte, past participle geramsjt
ramsjen is the only Dutch verb with a root on j"

To be honest im pretty sure it is not about the letter before the "e", and i doubt it has anything to do with the E either. in all the examples given, the "e" is silent, and so is the "u" in petanquen. im fairly certain it is simply all about the last non-silent letter· Lygophile has spoken 10:35, 4 April 2007 (UTC)