't kofschip

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Dutch grammar series

Dutch grammar

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The 't kofschip rule (also called 't fokschaap, 't fokxschaap[citation needed], 't ex-kofschip, 't ex-fokschaap, soft ketchup[citation needed], schoftkip[citation needed] or even xtc koffieshop[citation needed]) is a rule that determines the endings of a regular Dutch verb in the past simple indicative/subjunctive and the ending of the past participle. This rule may not be confused with the so-called T-rules(t-regels).


[edit] The rule

The rule goes as follows:

If the verb-root ends in one of the consonants of 't kofschip, being t,f,k,s,ch,p or x=(ks) (j,q?), then the past simple ends on -te and the past participle on -t, if the verb-root ends on any other consonant or a vowel (except the e, see later), the past simple ends on -de and the past participle on -d.
For example:
  • rusten (to rest): verb root = rust ==> past simple: ik rustte, past participle: gerust
  • werken (to work): verb root = werk ==> past simple: ik werkte, past participle: gewerkt
  • spelen (to play): verb root = speel ==> past simple: ik speelde, past participle: gespeeld
  • leven (to live): verb root = leev ==> past simple: ik leefde, past participle: geleefd
  • crashen (to crash): verb root = crash ==> past simple: ik crashte, past participle: gecrasht
  • bingoën (to play bingo): verb root = bingo ==> past simple: ik bingode, past participle: gebingood

[edit] Verbs with a root on e

If the verb root ends on an e, one must check the previous letter and use the 't kofschip-rule on this letter[citation needed], if this letter is still an e, than the past simple ends on -de and the past participle on -d.
For example
  • timen (to time): verb root = time ==> past simple: ik timede, past participle: getimed
  • racen (to race): verb root = race ==> past simple: ik racete, past participle: geracet
  • deleten (to delete): verb root = delete ==> past simple: ik deletete, past participle: gedeletet (the middle "e" in between both "t"s remains silent, so the t's are pronounced as one)
  • sleeën (to sleigh): verb root = slee ==> past simple: ik sleede, past participle: gesleed

[edit] Verbs with a root on ' (apostrophe)

If the verb root ends on an apostrophe, one must check the previous letter and use the 't kofschip-rule on this letter.
For example
  • sms'en (to send an sms): verb root = sms' ==> past simple: ik sms'te, past participle: gesms't
  • gsm'en (to phone using a mobil phone): verb root = gsm' ==> past simple: ik gsm'de, past participle: gegsm'd

[edit] Exceptions

There are (at least) two exceptions two these rules:
  • petanquen (to play petanque): verb root = petanque; but past simple: ik petanquete, past participle gepetanquet
    • This is due to the fact that, in Dutch, a q is always followed by a u, if this were not the case, the verb would be "petanqen" (root "petanq"), since q en k are pronounced the same "petanqen" would follow the t kofschip rule
    • petanquen is the only Dutch verb with a root on q
  • ramsjen (to sell something very cheap to get rid of it): verb root = ramsj; but past simple: ik ramsjte, past participle geramsjt
    • ramsjen is the only Dutch verb with a root on j

[edit] References


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